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The mirror site is up!  I hope this helps those who have been having trouble downloading from   You can also get the level conversion jk2mots from the mirror site if you have trouble downloading it from

I have been notified of an obscure bug that causes JK to crash when the Kicker Helper is running.  If you are having this problem please send me a mail describing what happened, when exactly it occurred and (if you wish) your guess why.  Also please tell me if you are running Win95 or 98.  I hope to duplicate the error on my machine so I can remove it.  I have yet to experience this on my machine so your feedback will be much appreciated.



The link page is up and it contains a whole lot more than just Jedi Knight or Star Wars related material.   It is almost the sum total of all the bookmarks I have on my machine.  I hope you enjoy the sites these links will take you to!  The links were all tested and working this weekend, so if one goes dead, just let me know.



My e-mail has changed!  It was, but it is now .  I am going to mirror this site on so those who are having trouble downloading the Kicker Helper will get an option of where to download from.  I hope it helps!  You will know the mirror site is available when I have a link on the first page of this site to it.   Thanks all!



I have just been notified of a bug with the "To Number!" buttons.  I have it fixed and a few others with the browser.  I will post the new version (2.01) on the evening of 3/10/99.  Sorry, but no new anti-hacks with 2.01.  Just bug fixes :-)



I'm happy to announce a brand new Kicker Helper!  Its been quite some time since I had time to work on this program because I got a professional programming job and it was taking up a lot of time at first.   Everything has settled down, so I have updated the program to add a lot of things I was working on before time became such a factor and I have added some cool new features of Visual Basic into the Helper.  After being away from it for several months, I noticed that some new hacks had sprung up and right now I am in the process of making an undo for them.  I have a couple new anti-hacks added in this distribution that have been much needed by the JK community with more to come.  The first of these is an undo for Build Hacks and the second is an undo for Level Texture Hacks.  I hope you all enjoy these and the new "Personalized" renaming!  So many asked for it, well now its in there!


JK2MOTS is finally here!  I promised this a long time ago, but due to a severe lack of time, I didn't make it available until now.  I hope you enjoy it because unlike that other conversion done by someone else months ago, this one works perfect!!  I also will be taking down the original page on my other site on in order to save space.  Please come to this location in the future.


I'm in the process of giving the site a facelift.  I hope you like the new design :-)  Photoshop is the best!  If you are wondering how I made the logo, I used Eyecandy plug-in for Photoshop to get the cool raised letters and buttonizing effect.


The site has moved to JediKnight.Net!  Please update your bookmarks to  Hopefully this will give the site some better exposure and let every Jedi Knight player get a copy of this program.  The more that have it, the better the gaming on the Zone and other multi gaming networks!  There will be no new updates to the program itself for quite some time because school is in session and I'm kind of swamped with stuff to do.  I will try to make available soon a level conversion of JK to MOTS.  There is already a conversion like this on, but unfortunately it doesn't work right and some levels actually crash the game.  Mine works completely and I have added the new MOTS guns to the JK levels so they will be a MOTS experience and not a JK experience.  It seemed kind of pointless to convert them without doing this since if I wanted to play Oasis normal, I would play JK.  That's why I added seekers, flash grenades and the freeze gun to them and I replaced the light surges with dark surges.  I also eliminated super shields from the Tower and Bespin levels.  Did you know the river in Battleground Jedi is supposed to "flow?"  Well it does now!


The good news is nobody has told me there is any new bugs. Woohoo!  I want to thank everyone who has sent me a mail thanking me.  I am happy that you like this program and in a couple weeks I may try to add some more hack undos to the program.  I don't know if you have ever been morphed, but it stinks and I think I may know how to fix it when someone does it to you.  I have been getting requests for "personalized" renaming.  Some would like to rename cheaters with "idiot cheater" or the like.  I originally gave this some thought but decided this would take away from the gameplay and cause abuse of this program.  This program allows you to kick cheaters quickly and quietly.  I would like to keep it that way.  Thanks again and enjoy kicking those cheaters out!!!


I have fixed another minor bug and I hope this is the last of them! Please download 1.03b and reinstall. Sorry it wasn't caught until today!


Well, as luck would have it, I forgot to put the readme.txt file into the zip archive this morning .  If you downloaded earlier today and wondered where the Readme was well you can get it here:   readme.txt  
Sorry about the inconvenience!  The readme.txt file is now included in the archive :-)


Version 1.03 is now complete and available to download!  I would have released it yesterday but I found a minor problem and I had to fix it. has offered to host this site and soon this page will be part of  I hope you enjoy the new anti-hack stuff!


Well, its the weekend and I have finished (as far as I know) a beta version of 1.03.  As soon as I test everything out completely, it will be available (a day or two.)  Mots and Anti-Hack functionality has been added.  Hacks that will now hopefully become extinct are: 

Anti-Grav Hacks 
Fade & Everfade 


There has been such an overwhelming request for MOTS functionality, that I began working on a new version 1.03 that I hope to finish by this weekend.  A lot more than just the addition of MOTS is coming in this version....  I hope you all like the idea of Anti-Hacks :-)