eHv leadership chages...AGAIN! It turns out that the clan
will be run by the clan, the whole clan. Recruiting will
be made by the whole clan and so will the booting. If
you have any problems ever just post them on the message
board and everyone will vote on it.
-mAdCOw 7.1.02
Complete reconstruction of site underway. ChaOs an amazingly
skilled saberist joins us from SyK. ChaOs brings with
him vast knowledge of the Jedi arts and many skills that
can be taught onto other eHv members. Great to have you
eHv leadership changes - we finally have
a full ruling. The clan will be run by two main leaders
who will oversee all executive decisions within the clan.
Jack and Frosty. They are the most elder of the members
within the clan and they are the best choice for the job.
Best of luck in the future, great job so far guys.