to the clan site of the Eternal Holy Visionaries (eHv).
eHv is a skilled clan with many dazzling talents. We compete
in the game Jedi Knight on the MSN Gaming Zone server.
baselines: We do not accept applications of cheaters
or hackers. It takes great skill and friendship to become
a(n) eHv member. We are currently accepting new applicants.
baselines: Gaining membership into eHv will take skill
and attitude. You must receive a vote from every eHv member
by competing in a friendly game of Jedi Knight. If said
applicant receives a single "no" vote within the
application process the applicant has thus failed the tryout
and cannot request another tryout until a period of 15 days
expires. We currently have 9 active members, good luck to
you all.
On: Jack_eHv - Jack has shown adversity through turmoil.
Leading the recently resurrected FaiTH clan and now helped
CO-run the eHv clan. Jack has done great recruiting work
in bringing together a very talented roster of Jedi. We
commend you Jack. Job well done.