Rules and Regulations
The WLP Code of Conduct is effective in all game and general areas and all activities of Wraith League of Players - Wraith Squadron.
The following rules make up the Code of Conduct and are subject to modification as necessary. You are required to understand the rules stated here. If you do not understand a rule, please contact your immediate commanding officer for an explanation. Lack of knowledge of the rules is not a defense if a charge is brought upon you.
General Rules of Conduct
- Treat all gamers and all WLP members in the general areas with respect and courtesy regardless of the way they treat you or others.
- Never use profanity (curse words), even if it they are not directed towards another person in an offensive way.
- Follow the rules laid out for an individual game and/or event.
- Cheating and/or fraud in any form is not tolerated.
- The Chain of Command for proposal and suggestions is to be followed at all times.
- Any other rules stated elsewhere on the WLP site are to be followed at all times.
- All original artwork, graphics, designs, and text are copyrighted material of the Wraith League of Players.
Any use of them without the expressed written consent of the Wraith League of Players is strictly forbidden.
- All rules involving RuneScape as laid out by Jagex are to be followed to the letter.
Most importantly, you are a member of the Wraith League of Players, and that means you care about what you do.
So if someone does not know what they are doing offer assistance. Remember we were all newbies at some point.
Command Specific Rules
- No Lord shall neglect the duties granted within this document or given by the Grand Admiral. Neglecting ones duties
includes going on leave or reserves without notice and not responding to requests, questions, or directives from superiors, and subordinates, in a timely fashion.
- No Lord shall abuse the powers granted within this document or given by the Grand Admiral. Abuse includes, but is not
limited to, giving oneself unearned awards and/or without notice on the Official Comm Board, bringing up charges against a member without reasonable
evidence, unauthorized adjustments of service records, and giving unreasonable orders.
- No Lord shall give out sensitive information regarding WLP operations or a member to another member or anyone else.
Sensitive information includes email addresses and service record comments.
General Points of the Code of Conduct
- Do not use profanity.
- Show our members and all others the utmost respect.
- Have patience, nothing can be done instantly, and no one can be available 24/7.
- Be polite and courteous when talking to other WLP members and other clubs.
- Follow all other rules laid out on the WLP website, and all other websites used by us.
- Use all Wraith League of Players forms of communications within the rules that have been laid out.
- Most important of all, HAVE FUN!