Welcome to the Wraith League of Players - Wraith Squadron
We will begin by checking the handle you wish to use. Before we begin this process, please scroll down and read the
information for enlistment. Your handle must be from 4-10 characters long.
Make sure you type in a valid e-mail address. If you type it incorrectly your sign-up process will not be completed.
*Note to AOL users:* If you are using the AOL mail filter, make sure you allow mail to be sent to your address before
completing this form.
The following pages will ask you a series of questions. If, at anytime you either do not have the information, or you are
unsure leave it blank.
About 60 seconds after you submit the final form, you will receive an e-mail from the Wraith League of Players -
Wraith Squadron. Make sure you follow the directions it gives you. At most, depending on congestion of the web
and database, the e-mail may take as long as 6 hours to reach your inbox. This is normal, however, if the e-mail hasn't
arrived in 36 hours, please contact Grand Admiral FireBird and inform him of this error.
If you know your recruiter, please select them from the pull down bar. Members who recruit receive awards, and they would
much appreciate it.
Do not use the slash (/), backslash (\), or any non-alphanumeric characters. Anything other than an alphanumeric or underscore (_) will cause your username to be deleted without warning.
Current WLP members of other divisions click here.
Former WLP members wishing to reactivate their account click here.