Ownage Pics

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I don't own for the fun, I own for the chicks.

The JS Second in Command
The first time we played the score was 10-0 but no SS is availible.

Heres him the second time.

And the third...

I got tired of him pretty quick
Next we have our good friend Kirby

Later on in that game...

He got mad and left...
Elite Ping

Not edited, real SS.
AIM Ownage

He started it, I finished it.
Random People

SWC Hacked MaJiN, each of them will suck my dick for it.

Here's SWC_BetaWolf's formal appology:
Dear MaJiN, This is SWC_BetaWolf, I know how the other members of SWC hacked you, and Id like to appologize for being in SWC, and I would like to appologize for the inconvenience about the other members. I am very mad at the other members, and I think that I should quit that n00b clan. I despise them after what happened to you, that clan was supposed to be elite, not a group of hackers. Maybe I will join your clan and help kick their butt. I wish you will settle this dispute. I bring you news that the old leader has come back, SWC_SilverWolf. He sometimes uses SWC_DarkWolf's name. Keep an eye out, he is really creepy. He may be the one who hacked you. So, I hope you don't get hacked by Silver anymore. If you would like I could send you a package of full internet protection, Norton Internet Security. If this doesn't make up for it, there isn't anything else I can do but suck Sparta's dick. I hope you get this. Thanks

Nar Noobs