Singleplayer |
Jedi Knight | MotS | Description |
deeznuts | trainme | Levels up force rank by 2 each time. |
imayoda | N/A | Makes all the light side powers available. |
sithlord | N/A | Makes all the dark side powers available. |
raccoonking | iamagod | Makes all force powers available. |
yodajammies | trixie | Recovers mana corresponding to force rank. |
jediwannabe on/off | boinga on/off | By typing on(1)/off(0), turns you invincible or not. |
bactame | N/A | Recovers all your shield and health to maximum. |
wamprat | gimmestuff | Gives you all inventory items. But no batteries. |
red5 | diediedie | Gives all ammo, weap and batteries to 3 points. |
pinotnoir n | N/A | Warps to level "n". |
whiteflag on/off | statuesque on/off | Disbales all enemy AI or not. |
5858lvr | cartograph | Displays all map with enemy, item and location. |
eriamjh | freebird | It enables you to fly. Type again to disable. |
slowmo on/off | gospeedgo on/off | Makes everything in game proceed very slowly. |
thereisnotry | gameover | Forces to end the current level. |
warp x y z | ? | Warps to the given coordinates from the player. |
hyper n | quickzap n | Warps to given positions in levels. n : integers. |
Multiplayer |
Jedi Knight & MotS | Description |
team n | Changes to team "n". 1:red, 2:gold, 3:blue, 4:green. |
endlevel | Ends the current level and moves on to next. Host only. |
ping X | By putting player name in X, it gets the latency. |
kick/boot X | Boots the player name X out of the game. Only host allowed. |
tick | Prints out the current tick rate. |
MotS Only | Description |
X:Y | It will print text X to team Y. Y = R(ed), G(old), B(lue) or N(Green) |
X:Y | It will print text X to player Y. Y = any part of player name. Prints to all players including the word Y in name. |
X | It will play sound file X to others. Can be used as X:Y method. |
Z=Y | Creates message or sound shortcuts. Z = 0 to 9. Y = user message or sound file name. Replace Z in X for the above 3 communications. |
Singleplayer/Multiplayer |
Jedi Knight & MotS | Description |
framerate | Keeps printing the framerate. Type again to stop. |
coords | Displays the current position, PYR and sector of the player. |
dispstats | Constantly prints framerate, current item, mana and force power. |
version | Displays Jedi Knight version. |
kill | Kills the player instantly (Gives 100 physical damage) |
trackshots on/off | Prints out surface/sector/mat when a projectile hits any surface. |
players | Prints out the position player info set for hyper. |