Hosted By:
Jedi Knight™ Patch Commander
Frequently Asked Questions
Table of Contents
- About This Document
- What is in this document?
- What is not in this document?
- Disclaimer
- Patches
- What are patches?
- How do I use patches?
- What is a GOB (or GOO)
- How do I create a GOB file?
- My patch works fine ungobbed. Why won't it work gobbed?
- Patch Commander
- What does the Patch Commander do?
- Where can I get Jedi Knight Patch Commander?
- How does the Patch Commander work?
- I can't get patches to work with Patch Commander! How come?
- What features are planned for future versions?
- Troubleshooting
- When I try to use Patch Commander, I get an Access Violation
error: What gives?
- Why can't I add patches to the Patch Commander window?
- Why can't Patch Commander find/launch Jedi Knight (or
Mysteries of the Sith)?
- Multiplayer
- How do I use patches in multiplayer?
- How do I use patches without the other players knowing about
- How do I use patches on the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone?
- Miscellaneous
- What are the non-patch-related Jedi Knight command line options?
- Where can I look for more information?
- Credits
- Who wrote this thing? And who helped?
- Legal Stuff
Questions and Answers
- About This Document
- What is in this document?
This document contains a distilled list of Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) about my freeware program, Jedi Knight
Patch Commander. Since I released the first version of Patch
Commander, I've gotten a lot of feedback, questions, and
suggestions. The questions and answers below represent my best
two-hour stab at explaining some of the most important issues
about using patches with Jedi Knight: Dark Forces® II.
The information on using patches without Patch Commander
is pretty slim, because I personally prefer to use the program
(that's why I wrote the thing!), but the basic concepts are
outlined to help you achieve a better understanding of what's
going on "under the hood."
Some of the included information is somewhat
technical, but I feel it's important to understand why
things work, not just that they work. I'd be happy to
include some easier explanations of things if anyone comes up
with any.
- What is not in this document?
You will not find information about creating
patches in this document. The art and craft of patch creation
are way beyond the scope of an end user FAQ list. If you really
want to get into creating your own patches, check the sites
listed in section 4.2.
- Disclaimer
Use the information contained in this document
at your own risk. I've tested it all, and it is correct to the
best of my knowledge. However, your mileage may vary. Most importantly,
don't attempt anything you don't understand at least a little.
Also, please try to remember: I'm a real person with a real
job, doing this as a hobby. While I try my best to provide useful
utilities and information, I don't have time to solve every
problem and answer every question that comes my way. I'm sure
that goes for most of the patch designers as well.
- Patches
- What are patches?
Patches are files that somehow alter Jedi
Knight's look, behavior, or gameplay. Broadly speaking,
there are 3 major categories of patches:
Skin patches alter or add to the list
of existing characters that you can play in the game. Skins
intended for single player use override the default Kyle Katarn
look, while multiplayer skin packs add one or more options to
the list of skins provided by LucasArts.
Weapon patches alter the behavior of
one or more of the standard weapons in the game. For example,
the Destruct-O-Ray patch causes the secondary fire of the Concussion
Rifle to shoot Force Destruction (even if you don't possess
that force power). There are simple weapon patches which do
nothing but make the weapon more/less destructive, all the way
up to patches that change the weapon entirely (e.g., causing
the secondary fire of the Bryar Pistol to shoot a Grappling
Hook). Patches that override the behavior of the Field Light
and Infrared Goggles are often considered Weapon patches, even
though those items are not typically weapons.
Force patches alter, enhance, or override
the effect of one or more Force Powers. The Air Jump patch,
which allows you to Force Jump again while still in the air
(for a "double jump" effect) is an example of an enhancement,
while the Force Illusion patch overrides another force power
completely, allowing you to remain hidden while projecting a
decoy image of yourself for everyone to attack.
Needless to say, Force patches have been among
the most creative and popular for their "Gee Whiz"
value, although a well-crafted Weapon patch can be a real joy
to use.
- How do I use patches?
There are two different types of patches: Gobbed
and Ungobbed. Gobbed patches come packaged in a single convenient
GOB (or GOO)
file, while Ungobbed patches come as one or more files which
go in one or more directories. Any patch can be Gobbed, and
once the initial debugging is done, there's very little reason
to release an Ungobbed patch.
The following description was written for Jedi
Knight. It works for Mysteries of the Sith
as well; just change the directory and file names.
To use a Gobbed patch, create a new directory
under the directory where Jedi Knight is installed.
Put the GOB files you want to
use in it, and run Jedi Knight with the command line
option -path directory. For example, if you installed your patches
in the directory C:\ProgramFiles\LucasArts\Jedi Knight\patches,
you would use the following command line to run Jedi Knight:
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Jedi Knight\jk.exe
-path patches
There are three options for using Ungobbed patches:
- The good way: Turn it into a Gobbed patch
and use it as described above.
- Put the patch files into the correct subdirectories
of your Jedi Knight\Resource directory. For example, when
you look at the ZIP file that the patch came in, each file
in the ZIP should have some path information with it. Files
with a COG extension will be in the COG directory, files with
a MAT extension will either be in MAT or 3DO\MAT, etc. These
directories are relative to the RESOURCE directory of the
directory where Jedi Knight is installed. For example,
if you installed Jedi Knight using the default directory,
a COG file from the patch would end up in the C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Jedi
Knight\Resource\COG\ directory.
- Put your Ungobbed patch files in a different
directory and use the -path option (as described above). Using
the above examples, the COG file would go in C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Jedi
- What is a GOB (or GOO)
A GOB file is
a single file that acts as a container for other files. Think
of it as a ZIP file without the compression. Its purpose is
to keep related files together in a single convenient package
so that Jedi Knight can find them when it wants them.
For some reason, Mysteries of the Sith uses the extension
GOO instead of GOB,
but this document will refer to them both as GOBs.
- How do I create a GOB file?
There are a number of good utilities available
that will help you turn a collection of files into a single
GOB file (and back). CyberGOB,
ConMan, and my own Patch Commander come to mind. If you're interested
in the internal structure of GOB
files, you can obtain the spec from a number of the Jedi Knight
editing sites. See section 5.2 for some links to get you started.
- My patch works fine ungobbed. Why won't it work gobbed?
I've gotten several messages from people complaining
that the GOB files they make
with Patch Commander's internal Gobber make Jedi Knight
crash, even though the patches work fine ungobbed. Someone finally
sent me a sample crashing GOB,
and after a couple hours of investigation, I discovered the
problem. In fact, the problem occurs when the same source files
are gobbed using CyberGOB or any other gobber.
The problem occurs mainly with skin patches,
since they usually contain references to other files, but it's
a potential problem with COGs and levels as well. Here's the
situation. Although Windows 95's file system lets you use mixed
case in filenames, it is not case sensitive. If you doubt that,
try creating a file called myfile.txt and another one called
MyFile.txt in the same directory. You can't; Windows 95 treats
the two names as identical. Anyway, the upshot is that if your
3do file calls for a material called thingy.mat and Windows
95 finds a file called Thingy.mat, there's no problem, and the
skin works. Jedi Knight's GOB
reading routine, however, is case sensitive, so when it goes
looking inside the GOB for 3do\mat\thingy.mat,
it never finds it (because the name stored inside the GOB
header is 3do\mat\Thingy.mat which doesn't match), so it immediately
and ungracefully barfs and dies.
The solution is to name all of your files consistently
-- either uppercase them or don't -- and then make sure all
your references to that file match it exactly. If you have a
GOB that crashes Jedi Knight,
look for the case conflict.
- Patch Commander
- What is the Jedi Knight Patch Commander?
The Jedi Knight Patch Commander is a
utility that manages multiple patches, checks for conflicts
between patches, and launches Jedi Knight with your desired
patch configuration. Patch Commander's Options menu provides
access to other Jedi Knight command line options if desired
(see Question 5.1 below).
- Where can I get Jedi Knight Patch Commander ?
The latest version of Patch Commander is always
available for download from the Patch
Commander Home Page.
- How does the Patch Commander work?
The way Patch Commander works is simple.
It creates a subdirectory of your Jedi Knight directory
called JKPatch and a subdirectory of that called active. All
your patches are stored in the JKPatch directory, and moved
to the active directory when you activate them. When you run
Jedi Knight, Patch Commander executes jk.exe -path
JKPatch\active\ which tells JK to look for GOB
files in the JKPatch\active directory and use them as patches.
- I can't get patches to work with Patch Commander! How come?
This is a hard question to answer. The most
common reason is that Jedi Knight was moved to a new
drive or directory after it was installed, and Patch Commander
can't figure out where it is. Patch Commander uses the
Microsoft DirectPlay registry information to find out where
Jedi Knight is installed. This information is placed
in the registry by the Jedi Knight installer.
The latest version of Patch Commander
has a Debug Information option under the Help menu which will
provide lots of information which will help answer your question.
Before emailing me with problems, please copy the information
out of the debug screen and paste it into your email message.
- What features are planned for future versions?
As of right now, I'm pretty much maxxed out
on features. My main plan at the moment is to improve conflict
checking, and even try to resolve certain conflicts on the fly
(e.g., support for multiple patches that add strings to jkstrings.uni
or models.dat). As always, suggestions are quite welcome, but
since this is my spare-time project, I can't promise speedy
- Troubleshooting
- When I try to use Patch Commander, I get an Access Violation
error: What gives?
Patch Commander 4.0 requires version 4.72 of
Microsoft's Common Control Library. If you have a lower version,
you will receive an error resembling the following: "Access
violation at address BFC15AE6 in module 'COMCTL32.DLL'. Read
of address FFFFFFFF." The updated version of the library is
available from Microsoft and can be downloaded from http://support.microsoft.com/download/support/mslfiles/COM32UPD.EXE.
- Why can't I add patches to the Patch Commander window?
Some people have experienced problems getting
their patches to show up in version 3.5 of Patch Commander.
I have been unable to reproduce the problem, but some people
have reported the problem fixed with the final release version
4.0. This is still an open issue, however, so if you have problems,
please let me know.
- Why can't Patch Commander find/launch Jedi Knight (or
Mysteries of the Sith)?
Patch Commander uses the game's DirectPlay settings
to determine the location of the game files. If this information
is missing or incorrect, the game will not launch. These settings
are created in the Windows registry by the JK (or MotS)
install program. There are several possible reasons this information
could be wrong. The two most common are:
- The game was not installed properly.
- The game was installed properly, but was
moved to a different directory manually.
#1 usually occurs because the player is using
an ineptly pirated copy of the game. I have no sympathy for
them. #2 is fairly common as well, and the easiest answer is
to reinstall the game from the original game CD to the directory
where you want it.
- Multiplayer
- How do I use patches in multiplayer?
Just like you use them in single player. JK.EXE
must be run with the patch path specified before you Host or
Join the game.
- How do I use patches without the other players knowing about
This question has a two-part answer: 1) You
can't; 2) You shouldn't want to.
Technical Reason for Answer #1: I get messages
from people all the time saying "I just know that
other people are cheating and using patches in multiplayer."
This is simply not possible. Jedi Knight calculates
a pseudo-unique number known as a checksum based on the
installed code (game + patches) on the Host and compares it
to the checksum calculated the same way on the Client computer.
If the checksums don't match, the Client gets an error reading
"Checksum Failure: Your data version does not match the
host's" when trying to connect.
Opinionated Reason for Answer #2: When everyone's
got the same patches installed, skill is still the determining
factor. The game is enhanced, there are new cool things to do,
and everyone's happy. If you could use a patch on the sly, the
outcome of the game would depend more on how much you can download
than how good you are. Besides, what would it do to your self-esteem
if you had the 10-foot light saber and the Destruct-O-Ray and
still got your ass kicked? Trust me; things are better
this way. Find someone at your own skill level and practice
on each other. If you're so bad that you can't find anyone
your own level, play the single player game a few more times
and get better. The Deathmatch champions didn't get that way
So how is it that people in multiplayer keep
destroying you in the blink of an eye? There are three possibilities.
The first (and most common), as painful as it is to deal with,
is that they're just that much better than you are. Some people
are just really fast and can attack with combo moves that make
it look like they're doing fourteen things at once. The second
is that your network lag time is so bad that they've had time
to do those fourteen things to you while you were a sitting
duck waiting for your game engine to catch up. The third possibility
is that they are cheating, but not by using a patch. There is
a way, without patching the game and altering your checksum,
to obtain ultra-strong force powers and stand around Force Gripping
people to death with impunity. Yes, I know how to do it;
No, I won't tell you how. Don't even bother to ask. It's
unfair, it's immature, and it destroys everyone's enjoyment
of the game.
- How do I use patches on the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone?
This is by far my #1 most Frequently Asked Question.
Since the Zone launches Jedi Knight itself
without going through Patch Commander, it doesn't use
the -path directive, so the patches don't get used. I've added
an option to Patch Commander's Options menu to make patches
available when playing on the Zone, but it has a rather serious
side effect -- it causes Jedi Knight to use the active
patch directory every time you play on the Zone, whether
or not you launched the Zone from within Patch Commander.
The only way to play on the Zone unpatched will be to run Patch
Commander again and either uncheck the Zone option or
deactivate all of your patches (leaving the JKPatch\active directory
The reason for this is simple. The Zone uses
Microsoft's DirectPlay API, which stores information about how
to launch each game in the Windows95 registry (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications).
For each game, it knows the path where it's installed, the file
to run, and an optional command line. For Jedi Knight,
the command line is empty by default. By putting the -path JKPatch\active
directive in the registry, it causes the Zone to tell jk.exe
to use the active patch directory at all times, not just
when called from Patch Commander.
Also, the rule from Question 3.2 still holds
true - all players in a multiplayer game must be using
the same patches.
The new Zone-related menu items to look for
in Patch Commander are:
- Options | Use active patches when playing
on Internet Gaming Zone
- File | Launch Internet Gaming Zone
- Miscellaneous
- What are the non-patch-related Jedi Knight command line options?
In addition to the -path command line option,
Jedi Knight supports five other options:
-framerate |
Shows the rendering engine's
framerate during gameplay |
-displayconfig |
Enables advanced display
configuration |
-dispstats |
Displays various game engine
statistics during gameplay |
-devmode |
Enables Developer Mode,
adding a (Debug) option to the New Game/Load
Game screen (in Single Player). This option lets you
select the episode and level where you will begin a new
game. |
-windowgui |
Runs the non-game user interface
(and cutscenes) in a window instead of full screen. |
- Where can I look for more information?
I tend to get most of my answers from JediKnight.Net.
There are a lot more sites, of course, but the list changes
so often that I can't keep up. JediKnight.Net has lots of links
to other Star Wars gaming sites.
- Credits
- Who wrote this thing? And who helped?
This FAQ list is written and maintained by Michael
B. Klein. The information contained in it has been culled from
many sources on the World Wide Web. Many thanks to those who
have figured out and documented so much of the technology that
I have relied upon: the Code Alliance (who can be found at DarkJedi.com),
with help from Bryant Luk (of Star Wars Gamers) and Mattias
Welander (author of the Force Builder level editor), provided
some extremely well-written documentation in the form of the
Jedi Knight Unofficial Specs. Thanks also to those who
have taken the time to let me know what they think of Patch
Commander, to report bugs, ask questions, and to provide
enough details to help me track down the answers.
- Legal Stuff
Dark Forces and Star Wars are
registered trademarks and Jedi Knight and Mysteries
of the Stih are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. LucasArts
Entertainment Company has not in any way endorsed the Jedi
Knight Patch Commander or this FAQ.