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Return of the Jawa

By Gary Console
Released: April 1997
Download: rotjawa.zip (78 KB)
Review by GAdRS


The Imperials have a base that they are using to train Jawas to be troopers. As it doesn't have a plain self-destruct device, the fleet is going to fly overhead and destroy it. However, they need you to first disable the shield mechanism. While you're in the base, the fleet pilot would have a much easier time if you could close the hangar doors to keep the TIEs from launching.

Initial Comments

The story here isn't very impressive - training Jawas? Have the Imps finally gone off their rockers? And, there are no cutscenes or anything. And there's no good music either. Not off to a good start.

Level Design

Well, I had to cheat, and that's never good. There is a huge overabundance of enemies. More specifically, Dark Troopers. There are several traps, but some are obvious. When the author tells you to turn back, do so, or die. Simple. As well, in the endless miles and miles of (boring) vent shafts, there's some areas with lots of mines. Watch out. Unimportant textures are left unaligned, unfortunately. Without WDFUSE, though, it is understandable. Among the interesting architectural designs are a nice little rodent and a note left to a friend.

Level Dynamics

Frankly, the INF isn't impressive. Not very much of it. I don't have much to put here, I apologize, it's been a while since I could play RotJ, I can't recall much. Just too many bad guys. And the turret guns are laid out to shoot large salvos, and their lack of a base makes them kinda hidden.

Level Atmosphere

The atmosphere is essentially nil. You can tell because it wasn't very long into the mission that I started looking at my watch. And I wasn't in a hurry either, just bored.

Overall Response

Come on - a downright bizarre plot stuck on a third-rate level? Absolutely nothing memorable about this - except for bad things. For example, I'll probably remember the vast numbers of Dark Troopers here. This level is too hard for its own good, and it's not even quite up to mediocre.


Design - 7
Dynamics - 6
Experience - 6

Total Score: 63%

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