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Critak Moon: The Imperial Outpost

By Llyren Adwyr
Released: July 2001
Download: ioutpost.zip (312 KB)
Mac version: ioutpstm.zip (132 KB)
Review by Fenwar

Initial Comments

Screenshot from Critak Moon The level's storyline is well thought-out and consistent with the story of the Dark Trooper campaign. However it's objectives don't look that appealing- having escaped your own cell, you must find a data card, rescue Jan and get to the Crow. The kind of thing most DF players have done many times before without batting an eyelid...

Only on Critak Moon, it's not quite that simple. The route through the level is ingeniously thought out, with several smaller tasks required as part of each sub-goal. For example, to rescue Jan, you'll have to shut down the power to the door locks, which means finding your way to the main power core. Keys are not too difficult to find, and ensure the level opens up gradually.

This is a refreshing change from simply fighting your way through to each objective in turn. It does mean there is some backtracking, but the level never becomes boring. There are different challenges each time you revisit these areas, something rarely seen in any Dark Forces level. The only reason the mission could become frustrating would be because there are so many tasks to perform, it would be very easy to overlook one and get almost to the end, only to find that the mission is still not complete.

Level Design

Screenshot from Critak Moon The base's layout is realistic throughout and the interior follows the same lines as LEC's Secret Base; one main corridor particularly reminded me of the start of that level. But this is a far larger base, and in places it excels. The control rooms showcase the great attention to detail, with custom screens and switches included for added realism.

In some places, rock protrudes through the walls, indicating that much of the base is buried inside the moon. Lift shafts allow the player to ascend and explore the surface and explore outside. Exterior architecture is also excellent, although not as remarkable as the rest of the level. Streams and waterfalls lead to an outstanding underground cavern, although one does wonder how an airless moon has water on its surface...

Level Dynamics

Screenshot from Critak Moon This level is filled with some very solid INF programming. Everything works as you'd expect, with plenty of realistic lifts, airlocks and control rooms. There aren't any jaw-dropping INF sequences, but there are some tricky puzzles, including one which will test your instinct for sharp-shooting.

Critak Moon's action is well-paced. Important areas are heavily guarded, but there are several areas where you can afford to relax. But don't let your guard down, or you'll find your health quickly vanishing. The heavy weapons aren't available, which keeps the odds as even as possible, and most of the pickups are placed so you'll have to beat the opposition before you get to them. This gets extremely tough on hard, and there are plenty of generators to ensure that the areas you have to backtrack through remain well-populated until you complete the mission.

Level Experience

Screenshot from Critak Moon The level's atmosphere is never spectacularly tense or scary, although there is a constant sense of urgency in the mission's goals, pounded home by a steady stream of enemies. The difficulty makes completing the challenges and opening up new areas all the more satisfying.

In all, The Imperial Outpost is a rewarding level that certainly adds up to more than the sum of its parts, thanks to the author's attention to detail. Despite not being huge, it will probably take longer than average to complete, but it is without a doubt well worth the effort.


Design Score: 9
Dynamics Score: 9
Experience Score: 9

Total Score: 90%

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