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These are the official rules. You must read these before joining the DB clan.
1. You must own Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. MotS is not required but JK is.
2. You must never be known to hack or cog. If the Grand Commander (Tuck) has discovered that you've been participating in Hacker games (Except build), then you will be kicked out of the DarkBlade clan.
3. No cursing or offending words are allowed in DB. If you curse in a DB game, you will be kicked out of the DarkBlade clan.
4. Good sportsmanship is the key to fun in JK battles. Always remember to be a good sport win or lose.
If you have a rule that needs to be noticed, email me.

Copyright 2001 DarkBlade. Any content or info stolen by other clans is unlawful and if discovered will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. "Jedi Knight", "Mysteries of the Sith", "Star Wars", and other titles are property of Lucasfilm LTD & LucasArts. All rights reserved.