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CHIEF (CHF) : Council member. The highest rank in the clan. Can make most decisions alone. Need to have a council vote for large issues such as declairing war or making alliances. A
UNANIMOUS council vote is required to add a member to the council.

GENERAL (GEN) : Directly below the council and in charge of all troop commanders. The GEN has the authority to promote any member to the rank of CPT or lower. If the GEN wishes to promote a member to a higher rank then he must submit a request to the council.
SKIN: Garindan

MAJOR (MAJ): Directly below the GEN MAJ's take a more active part in the training and implementing of combat troops. A MAJ may promote any member to the rank of LT or lower. If he wishes to promote a member to a higher rank than that he must submit it to the GEN. MAJ's are in charge of a BATALION. There are 4 UNITS to a BATALION.
SKIN: Judge

CAPTAIN (CPT): The captain is in charge of his UNIT. UNITS are comprised of 4 SQUADs. CPT's are directly responsible for their UNITS training and tactical movements. A CPT has the authority to promote any member to the rank of SGT or below. If he wishes to promote higher he will submit with HIS MAJ.
SKIN: Urban Trooper

LIUTENANT (LT): LT's are in charge of their SQUAD. There are 4 SQUADs to a UNIT. LT's may promote any member to the rank of STR. If the LT wishes to promote to a higher rank he MUST submit it to HIS CPT. LT's are responsible for the training of the SGT's to prepare them for leadership.
SKIN: Veers

SERGANT (SGT): SGT's work along side of the LT's in respect to the unit training and combat situations. The LT, however, has the command of the SQUAD and any promotion or disipline within the SQUAD will come from the LT. It is up to the SGT to make sure that his SQUAD gets the proper training and is combat ready.
SKIN: Cylon

SHOCK TROOPER (STR): Strong and well trained the STR's are the backbone of XM's fighting forces. They report only to THEIR SGT. The SGT will, in turn, report to the LT.
SKIN: Phase 2

TROOPER (TRP): New troops to the clan will usually be TRP's. TRP's form a large portion of XM's fighting forces. TRP's report to THEIR SGT.
SKIN: Phase 3


SABER TRAINER (ST): A SABER expert that trains the clan members in the effective use of SABERS.
SKIN: Ninja when training. Any other time = Any

GUN TRAINER (GT): A GUN expert that trains the clan members in the effective use of GUNS.
SKIN: Royal Guard when training. Any other time = Any

FORCE TRAINER (FT): A JEDI MASTER that trains the clan members to properly utilize their FORCE powers.
SKIN: Thrawn when training. Any other time = Any

~~~~~~~~~~~~SPECIAL FORCES~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DARK ASSASSIN (DA): Commander of the DAS. Answers only to the Council.
SKIN: Xizor

DARK ASSASSINS SQUAD (DAS): The ELITE. Answer only to the DA. Identities are to be known ONLY by the DA. Used for infiltration or seek and destroy missions.
CHF: XM_CHF_Ree_Veid

DA : XM_DA_Ardac_Zinn


MAJ: XM_MAJ_Stryker

CPT: XM_CPT_Silent
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