Entries: 274 |
Fan |
Sunday, 5/27/01, 5:12
PM |
i have all your levels
and i think there awsome. I was wondering if you had 420 lounge.
please email it to me. i like your work and
NOFpuXnk's. |
Email: |
THChead666@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? a
friend |
Sands(Nozzle_of_BHG) |
Tuesday, 5/15/01, 3:10
PM |
Ok every one says that
there is no AI in the Dralloc Arena level but.....i was playing
with a few clan members one of which is a girl and uses a female
skin and she was buisy wondering around the level when she got
attacked by a black figure who shot bolts of lightning at her and
killed her. At first we thought she was kidding but after playing
the level offline using a female skin i found it was true strange
huh! So Beefcaike could you plz tell me wtf is going on in the
arena weather you added the ai to attack only femail skins or its
just my comp. Latas Nozzle_of_BHG p.s. it only attacked when i was
on my own and not when there was someone else around. |
Email: |
nozz2k@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? ??????????? |
Pickra |
Monday, 5/14/01, 3:34
PM |
Beefcaike, when ya on,
haven't seen ya lately |
Web Site: |
free playstation, firsst come, first get a
PSX2 |
How did you find this
place? in my dads
closet,behind the boxes, locked up in a cabinet |
_WolverineX |
Sunday, 5/13/01, 11:16
PM |
Great webpage.
Awesome Levels. keep it up beefcaike |
Lord_Ryuujin |
Sunday, 5/13/01, 11:36
AM |
The Dralloc Rave, the
FINAL???? level made? Noooooo. Well hope it makes a good
exit. |
Kruellagh; Uni
Ki |
Friday, 5/11/01, 11:36
PM |
Love the Screenshot of
the game the other day. Great Game!!!!! Great level. Especially
for Ninja Kage. |
Email: |
bjorn@coastside.net |
How did you find this
place? Pux and
Beefy |
FFM_Parasite |
Sunday, 5/6/01, 5:52
PM |
GREAT ARENA Beefcaike!!!
Great lvl for a finale. C ya around maybe,
Parasite_3vE |
Web Site: |
none |
Email: |
cant tell yet |
How did you find this
place? a friend told
me |
Paul |
Sunday, 5/6/01, 3:58
AM |
Email: |
PKsiazek@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? links |
Char |
Friday, 4/27/01, 2:37
PM |
My name is pronounced
"Shah". GREAT levels, Beef. |
Web Site: |
Sheepex's Homepage |
Email: |
sheepex@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? Level
Readme |
IK_JM_binding |
Saturday, 4/21/01,
9:42 AM |
I like the dralloc hotel
and dralloc hotel are the best |
Web Site: |
not availible |
Email: |
mailto:Can't |
How did you find this
place? told |
Nozzle_of_BHG |
Friday, 4/20/01, 5:31
PM |
Well ive downloaded
every level on the siteThe Hotel and Casino level is great the
Arena is one of the best levels ive ever played (in compitition
with drazen isle and ceasers palace) but The Mall i realy dont
like its to sparce and there isent enouf to do so if you ever
decide to make a Mall 2 i'll d/l it strait away cheers. The
one and only Nozzle_OF_BHG |
Email: |
nozzle2000@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? my m8 told me
about it |
Pickra |
Tuesday, 4/17/01,
11:36 AM |
hi, I'm just stopping by
and saying "hi", since nothing has happened in a
week..... |
Web Site: |
Pants 101!!!! |
Email: |
beefcaike ate it.......like my
homework |
How did you find this
place? I was looking
through beefcaikes house.... |
Olivicmic-Victor |
Tuesday, 4/10/01, 3:10
PM |
ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE IT WAS MADE AFTER 1997! (compared to other
palyer created levels). |
Web Site: |
Victor's Artwork Page |
Email: |
seemypage@seemypage.com |
How did you find this
place? Playing Kage
7.0 with Mr. Caike at the Zone |
WAR_Frantic |
Saturday, 4/7/01, 7:19
PM |
what is up with your
site? i am trying to download Mall and Hotel but i need a
password...what is up with that? |
Email: |
QuiGonnBen@aol.com |
Nathan |
Friday, 4/6/01, 7:08
PM |
i think all the dralloc
maps kick ass, grate job caike, your a genious |
Web Site: |
msn |
Email: |
Nabizko@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? i asked someone
where i can find dralloc mall, and he gave me this link |
Slonkster |
Friday, 4/6/01, 7:41
AM |
i was directed here to
download Dralloc's Mall. I haveat tried it yet but it sounds good.
Just thought id leave my mark... |
Email: |
gfogarty@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? Friend on the
Pick(WP_pickra) |
Tuesday, 4/3/01, 12:37
PM |
Hi, where ya been?
haven't seen ya in a while. When you have time come talk to
me. |
Web Site: |
Pants wanted for run-away from other and run-away with
others(pants) leaving the owner...naked |
Email: |
pickra@twcny.rr.com |
How did you find this
place? Beefcaike |
Kast~JD |
Friday, 3/30/01, 10:29
PM |
nice new website beef.
tty on msn man. |
Web Site: |
Jedi Democracy |
Email: |
jodokast_jd@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? the bottom of
the cookie jar... |
NOFpuXnk |
Friday, 3/30/01, 8:10
AM |
The site is ok even
though all the links are old and mine is not on it... but the
levels are fucking rad... |
Web Site: |
DVS editing inc. |
Email: |
adamf@internode.net |
How did you find this
place? It was under my
couch |
Rebel_Hunter0 |
Thursday, 3/29/01,
11:46 AM |
Remember me? Make me some sweet levels! |
Web Site: |
Beefy Pork's JK website |
Email: |
ty@traversenet.com |
How did you find this
place? I was looking
for the Dralloc LVLs DUH |
BeefCaike |
Wednesday, 3/28/01,
4:02 PM |
Not at the moment. I am
taking a break because The Dralloc Arena took so long. Something
might come out later on down the line though... maybe. Can't make
any promises. :) |
Web Site: |
Dralloc Download Central - The DDC |
Email: |
beefcaike@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? Umm... I made
it! |
Johnson |
Tuesday, 3/27/01, 4:04
PM |
Hey Beefcaike. Are you
working on any kind of level right now for the Dralloc
Series? |
How did you find this
place? Friend |
Sunday, 3/25/01, 9:47
AM |
yoooooooo your levels
kick ass especially your new arena it's phat well keep up the good
work |
Web Site: |
dont have one anymore ahahhaha |
Email: |
smashj85@yahoo.com |
How did you find this
place? another web
site |
Kast~JD |
Sunday, 3/18/01, 3:42
PM |
u could also upload them
to a different server and link it to ur page beefcaike |
Web Site: |
Jedi Democracy homepage |
Email: |
jodokast_jd@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? ill tell u at
the end of the rainbow. |
BeefCaike |
Friday, 3/16/01, 10:13
AM |
I just want to let
everybody know that The DDC is down for a reason unknown, and
Geocities won't even let me in to fix it! Until then, Massassi has
the level now. http://www.massassi.net. Thanks, and sorry for the
inconvenience. |
Web Site: |
BeefCaike's Home of Jedi Knight |
Email: |
BeefCaike@Hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? I made this
place! |
Old_Ben_Kenobi_ |
Thursday, 3/15/01,
9:00 PM |
Is it possible to
design a JK game where all members of a clan could only watch a
duel between two participants and not participate unless it's
their turn? Similar to a "tag team" match. I think it would
enhance inter-clan competition too. If you don't know could you pass
this along to someone who could explore the idea. |
Email: |
showtime991@home.com |
How did you find this
place? took a
guess |
Johnson |
Tuesday, 3/13/01, 5:54
PM |
Hello, I was trying to
download Dralloc Arena but the link isn't workin, please fix it. I
can't find it anywhere else |
Email: |
MattMaster3000@aol.com |
How did you find this
place? Friend |
Kanos |
Saturday, 3/10/01,
6:08 PM |
OOPs I screwed the last
one sorry. Nice site exsept I cant DL the lvls hhmmmmm odd o well
fix it plz thanks |
Email: |
Cobra@ncheat.every1.net |
How did you find this
place? somewhere |
Kanos |
Saturday, 3/10/01,
6:05 PM |
Its not finished yet but
it will be soon. (I hope) |
Web Site: |
Crimson Empire |
Email: |
Cobra@ncheat.every1.net |
How did you find this
place? KKanos.homestead.com |
Johnson |
Saturday, 3/10/01,
3:00 PM |
Hey um I was trying to
get into the site so I could get some of the levels but it keeps
having a error or "cannot find site" page. Is the server down or
something? |
Email: |
MattMaster3000@aol.com |
How did you find this
place? By a
friend |
Chris |
Friday, 2/23/01, 6:18
AM |
website |
Email: |
Trunks5501@aol.com |
How did you find this
place? on the
zone |
Kast~JD |
Wednesday, 2/21/01,
4:35 PM |
hi, your dralloc series
are really good:) keep it up. also, youve probably already heard
this, or already thougt about it. but, u should combine all of ur
lvls to make 1 BIG lvl. even thought it would be really laggy, it
would be fun;) |
Web Site: |
The Jedi Democracy HomePage |
How did you find this
place? zone |
Prince_Snoopy |
Friday, 2/16/01, 3:44
PM |
Nice site man... could
use some conditioning up.. maybe get that stupid frame off the
bottom.. a design.. ok so it needs a lot, but still.. nice levels
:D hehe. Cya! Snoopz P.S.- im puttin your level on the prince site
so even more people can find it. |
Web Site: |
My Personal site |
Email: |
webmaster@prince-snoopy.com |
How did you find this
place? typed it in
(I've been here b4) |
JO_Luke_ |
Tuesday, 2/13/01, 4:57
PM |
Having a bit of trouble
dl the dralloc series, but other than that, the site looks
good. |
Web Site: |
Email: |
LukeSkywalker@cfl.rr.com |
How did you find this
place? Dralloc
Lovers |
Pan |
Tuesday, 2/13/01, 9:53
AM |
hey I wish u would fix
the damn links it would make it esier to download the lvls
thanx |
How did you find this
place? Zone |
Saber_RedRaven |
Monday, 2/12/01, 12:42
PM |
Hey BeefCaike. I
understand ur friends with my buddy Saber_Holysaber. I just wanted
to say that u made a lot of good levels- keep up the good work!
Uh, everyone is saying that you should make something like a fun
house-- something freaky but big. Cya on the Z
~~~Saber_RedRaven |
Web Site: |
The Saber Clan Homepage |
Email: |
ravenlite2@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? I wanted to d/l
dralloc arena, lol! |
Martin |
Sunday, 2/11/01, 9:53
AM |
Hey good work on Dralloc
Arena its a pretty big download but its worth it. One problem
though I can't download Dralloc Mall (I already have Dralloc Hotel
& Casino). Hope you come out with another level soon! Actually
no you should really take a rest from making levels i mean it did
take almost a year for Dralloc Arena to come out!!! Cyah on the
zone. |
Email: |
mailto:thE |
How did you find this
place? A link on the
Zone |
Sunday, 2/11/01, 6:42
AM |
Yo beefy sup remember me
9mm in the game dralloc arena?so whats up i was thinking i could
try giving u some thought about your next level? just e-mail ur
answer to me.....cya beefy. =) KOOL LOL! |
Email: |
csexton@homestead.com |
Jd176 |
Saturday, 2/3/01, 7:50
PM |
BEEFY remember me? ICQ
12768214 |
Email: |
jdphoenix@netbroadcaster.com |
BlurajA |
Sunday, 12/31/00, 8:08
AM |
Hey beef, I think I went
under the name Sandslash when we use to play all your levels all
the time hehe even though I wasn't a gunner it was still fun
:) |
How did you find this
place? Hehe |
cody |
Tuesday, 12/26/00,
7:25 PM |
sweet cj write me you
basterd. cody |
How did you find this
place? you |
ODF_ShadowBlade |
Friday, 12/22/00, 2:02
PM |
hey BeefCaike! love the
Dralloc levels!Can't wait for Dralloc arena to come out.Anyway, I'm
a budding JK editor. I'm skilled at making custom 3do's(weapon
3dos too.)I'm going to release some 3dos on massassi.net soon.Feel
free to hire me if you want any 3dos made.please e-mail
me. |
Email: |
ShadowBlade2050@juno.com |
How did you find this
place? from a
friend |
resa |
Sunday, 12/17/00,
12:24 PM |
your a dork and i love
the site and you :) be happy !! |
Web Site: |
i doin't remember |
Email: |
baby_sly68@yahoo.com |
How did you find this
place? hmmmm i think
you ur self over the freakin phone... |
trav182 |
Thursday, 11/30/00,
3:02 PM |
Hey man, I think you
have a great page, you should check mine out when you have the
time. Mines pretty good. I love the game Jedi Knight, it is
awesome! It's so fun to play people online, but i havn't played it
for a while.... :(. But when i did i killed people sooo bad in No
Force games, just sabers. But im not so good with force, thats the
only bad thing. If you want my zone name, or if anyone else wants
it, it JEF_travis2005. JEF_ is my clan, it stands for Jedi Elite
Forces. Oh well, i better get going, cya. Nice page, keep up the
good work. |
Web Site: |
Super Games Galore |
Email: |
w_pinkerton@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? i went to
michealstevens.com/war and found a link there |
william |
Sunday, 11/19/00,
12:41 PM |
it rocks |
Web Site: |
candystand |
Email: |
mailto:mailto:there_is_a_big_mess@home |
How did you find this
place? some
girl |
JFA_JediJosh |
Sunday, 10/1/00, 1:54
PM |
wazzzzup Mr.
Beefcaike...i would jsut like to say congrats on the new style
site(it might not be neeew, i havnt been here in a while) its
awesome!!! great job on Dralloc Hotel and Casino, and ill be the
first one to d-load The Dralloc Arena... and i would just like to
ask(crosses fingers, still manages to type) are you ever gonna
release some of your custom 3dos for other editors uses, like the
stereo or bar stool from DHC??? just wanted to know...cuz Jeff
Walters released his Drazen Isle 3dos, and being a level editor
myself i just needed to know...if you are gonna release them, or
already have...e-mail...if not, dont waste the time that you could
be spending on the Dralloc Arena...-TY, c-ye around... |
Web Site: |
JediJosh's Levels |
Email: |
ld_jedijosh@hotmail.com |
How did you find this
place? Cuz beefcaike
is probably the most famous lvl editor in the jk scene |
Hooper |
Thursday, 9/21/00,
2:47 PM |
RULES!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Email: |
hoop5@dellnet.com |
How did you find this
place? a
friend |
JD |
Wednesday, 9/13/00,
6:00 PM |
Hey dude you need
message board ma. |
How did you find this
place? Knew about
it |
Friday, 9/8/00, 4:25
PM |
LOL!!!!! |
Email: |
IIS_NM_Gambit |
Saturday, 9/2/00, 8:02
AM |
I think your dralloc
hotel and shopping mall are the two best levels i have ever played
Keep up the good work IIS_NM_Gambit:) |
Email: |
00mojo@home.net |
How did you find this
place? a
friend |
(Members can delete entries.)