Total Entries: 274
Hawkknight88 Tuesday, 9/17/13, 9:01 PM
I loved your levels when I used to play JK! Just know how many memories you created in the MSN Gaming Zone days.
How did you find this place?  google
DSbr_loper Thursday, 2/21/13, 8:05 PM
Beefy Monday, 9/10/12, 2:39 AM
Just so you all know, JK is still in full swing in 2012! We still manage to get big CTF games happening, as well as regular FFAs! Check out the website link above for lots of good info on Jedi Knight Multiplayer!
Web Site: JK Community
How did you find this place?  I built it single handedly
KamOn Tuesday, 5/1/12, 9:33 AM
Here is a piece of the history of JK ^ ^ Congratulations.
Web Site: lol
Email: lol
How did you find this place?  JK ^^
Dialgo Sunday, 6/19/11, 12:08 PM
I miss JK! Would be cool to get a few people together to do some multiplayer =)
How did you find this place?  google
BuTTuRz Tuesday, 9/28/10, 6:49 PM
Why does it smell like ass in here?
How did you find this place?  JK link
strike Tuesday, 9/28/10, 6:43 PM
i farted
LSF_Nickz2000 Sunday, 6/28/09, 7:14 PM
Damn Beefy, this guest book is legendary for all of JK's history, keep up the good work
How did you find this place?  Beefy
Beef Monday, 6/23/08, 11:32 PM
Thanks a lot guys! Be sure to come into the JK Community Chat room! You can get there here... Or if you have IRC, connect to then join the #jk channel. Peeeace!!!!!
Web Site: The Dralloc Download Central
How did you find this place?  I invented it.
\WAR_Shockwave Monday, 3/3/08, 9:47 PM
Chris, I am glad to see that you are still part of the Jedi Knight community and making new levels. Thank you again for all the help you gave me when I was building Caesar's Palace. On many occasions I have been tempted to make another level for Jedi Knight since it is still my favorite game. Perhaps one day I will. I will have to install Jedi Knight and check out your new map. Take care, Shock
Web Site: The WAR Clan
How did you find this place?  Google
Demo Saturday, 7/28/07, 8:56 PM
just watched one of your dralloc movies on youtube, damn those were good days, what like 8 years ago?! I'm 20 now. I remember playing Dralloc hotel a lot on MSN Zone, very fun times. Remake it for Jedi Outcast please 8D
How did you find this place?  youtube video
Zoey Tuesday, 10/24/06, 8:21 PM
Hi babe i love you and i want to have sex with you all day! Your levels are sexxy in the pants. Jk rules all. HAHAHAHAHA ive never played it. But your still cute as hell! Pwned! Much luv forever and ever and ever and ever!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh ... seriously you guys!
Web Site: Zoeys mYsPacE
SM Sith Lord Wednesday, 6/21/06, 5:17 PM
War 1.0 rocks dude! As does your site. You need to put more shit on it. If you can host those 32gb JK videos, i'm sure you could put some more of the old school levels in here. AND START A DAMN WEEKLY #JK TOURNAMENT!
Web Site: Sith Mercenaries
How did you find this place?  After smoking a nice bowl of hash.
Spidey Monday, 6/19/06, 12:55 PM
Sweet site Beef. You always put out quality. Keep up the good work!!!1!!111
Web Site: yo clan
How did you find this place?  secret
DAVE Thursday, 2/9/06, 2:02 AM
I can't believe this place is still around and still has people posting in the guest book. I even find it hard to believe people still play this game. Wow wow wow etc.
Web Site: web site
Email: a secret
How did you find this place?  fan from long ago
ReLinQu1sH Wednesday, 1/11/06, 6:01 PM
I just wanted to pay my respects to all the levels you whipped up over the years. Also, jk4ever, stfu forte, gg.
How did you find this place?  I Hacked Beef's Shit.
TSK_Ben Wednesday, 12/28/05, 1:05 PM
that game was lush! Good looking site!
Web Site: Knuckles ßeta's Webpage Making Tips and Javascript
How did you find this place?  Beefcaike told me¬
FUGE0 Wednesday, 11/16/05, 8:19 PM
beefy ole boy, had no clue this site was still up, really does bring back sum memories, mostly of me taunting newbs into falling off cliffs...them were fun days, if i still had the game cd, i'd play, but sum dipshit snapped the disc in half, oh well, i can always DL it from torrent :-D cya around everybody
How did you find this place?  it was in a very very old favorites folder :-P
MoF_Roller Monday, 9/26/05, 3:15 PM
F%^&in' SHWEET! i can still download this stuff.
The Spectre Thursday, 9/15/05, 7:15 AM
Nice shit. Blue is teh pure pwnage! LoLhUrRIcAnE!! bi.
Web Site: G.O.D.
How did you find this place?  God came to me in a dream to tell me of this place..
Demonic Sin Saturday, 9/10/05, 5:41 AM
Thanks for keeping these levels up for downloading man. All of them are classic. Used to play them on the zone all the time.
How did you find this place?  I did a search for beefcaike
Dark Helmet Tuesday, 5/10/05, 12:48 PM
Hey Beef! I got Con Krape Canyon last night and it was FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!! Ive never seen a jk map that looked even close to this good! The frames were a bit sluggish in some parts but you wouldnt go to those parts anyway... so NICE JOB!!!
How did you find this place?  Beefy told me!
SmOkE DaWg Sunday, 3/13/05, 11:28 AM
yooooooooo beeeeeeeeeeeeef wad up homie. I JUST GOT JK DOWNLOADED DUDDDDEEEEEE, for like the 100000 time hehehe. thoughtid finally post something. man jk is such an elite game. even though few people play it, the game still fuckin owns and is fun and intense to play.also with the elite editing skills that you have it makes the game own alot more. fuck all the gay ass newbies, pwn them with saber and watch them cry like little bitches!!!! JAJAJAJAJAAJAJ `tokes`
How did you find this place?  yo mothas a man!!!!!
Glyde Sunday, 12/5/04, 11:59 AM
I just needed to come to redl some Dralloc levels from way back when, surprised to see it was updated and had a guestbook so... yeah.
How did you find this place?  Really big JK fan from massassi
Loser Thursday, 11/11/04, 9:14 PM
No comment, I just wanted a funny "How did you find this place?"
How did you find this place?  Seismic activity in the Persian Gulf caused a rift in the time-space continu-thing and this URL popped out of my microwave.
Spectre Sunday, 9/19/04, 1:35 AM
and he became as the one who sucked a many of dick in his time, they called this man....The Pie Maker!! p.s Good Game
Web Site: Dont fucking know!
How did you find this place?  The voices in my head told me.
DjDTM Tuesday, 8/3/04, 9:23 PM
Nice music, and levels. Sorry, I'm tired.
Web Site:
How did you find this place?  you
BeefCaike Friday, 7/23/04, 6:38 PM
Wow, I can't believe I found this place! I thought it was long gone! It's amazing, I went all the way back to where I opened my very first JK website. The first post I made anywhere as "BeefCaike", was the first one on this Guestbook. It's crazy to think that that was 5 years ago! I read all the way through from the first post to the last. As I was going through it, I remembered the series of events that happened back then. I remembered how much time and patience I put toward creating these Dralloc levels. Many, many days sitting in front of my computer, creating brilliance. Day after day of building up a reputation with about the largest gaming communities of its time, making my way up to be one of the most well-known editors around. Those days were something. It's odd how if you think about it, I actually did have fans. Where people that are so impressed with your work, they look up to you in a way. Back then, I got praise everyday from people who simply loved my levels, and it was an awesome feeling. Even today, I still get that from when I go to Nar on the Zone. The JK Community, even though overwhelmed with excessive newbieness from time to time, has to be one of the longest lasting gaming communities online today... anyways, this thing goes way back! Sign in, lemme know whats up!
Web Site: The DDC
How did you find this place?  A Little Bird Told Me
Corran Sunday, 10/27/02, 11:37 AM
"Corran, you're on schmack!" ...and? hehe
BeefCaike Monday, 9/23/02, 11:00 PM
Yeah, eventually I will get around to trying to edit JO. So far, you are about the 900 thousandth person to tell me to re-make the levels for JO. I might. :)
Web Site: Billy Bob's Barn of Bitches
How did you find this place?  Some guy told me
UXM_Wolverine Monday, 9/23/02, 12:36 AM
Beefcaike. Just curious if your gonna make these levels for Jedi Outcast.
SF_MajinVegeta Sunday, 9/22/02, 8:04 AM
BeefCaike, I have heard some much about you and how you are the best level maker out there for Jedi Knight I would like for you to help me out on something I cant make levels what so ever I was hoping that you would help me out on creating a level for me and some of my friends for the mod DBZ 4.0 or just any mod DBZ. I was plans for it if you are willing to do it yourself i could email them to you. If you are willing to do so then please my email address is there email me if you want to do it for me I would be very greatful. thank you.
Web Site: Saiyan Forces HQ
How did you find this place?  friend
BeefCaike Monday, 9/16/02, 7:59 AM
Corran, you're on schmack!
Web Site: Mr. Salty's House of Cheese
How did you find this place?  I kinda made this place!
Corran Sunday, 9/15/02, 5:01 PM
Fuzz, shut up.
How did you find this place?  A lawn gnome told me.
Dave Tuesday, 9/10/02, 5:37 PM
Yo Beefcaike!!!!!!!!! Sup man, missed yah, couldn't find your site, and I tried e-mailing you, I know you may not know me, but I'm the guy that played on multiplayer with you about two years ago, I went under the name Boba Fett, RPS_Kyle, RPS_Trunks_CL back then. I play JKII now, and think it's fricken great. Oh, and I'm also the guy that was asking if I could borrow some things from your level, though unfortunately, I'm not realesing any due to circumstances that I'm not that good of a editor. Though I do hope I learn how to create maps for Jedi Outcast. Anyways man, peace out, oh, and by the way, I'm still in RPS, I go under then name Zell_RPS_L now, sence I'm no longer a Co-Leader, but a Leader now. :) C-ya
Web Site: Dave's Arcade
How did you find this place?  Yahoo
Fuzz Monday, 9/2/02, 7:05 PM
You are sick. Why did you have to incluse the adult store?
How did you find this place?  Through the Force
MajinKakkarotto Monday, 9/2/02, 5:30 PM
lol i like your maps the funny thing is the rating like general audiances, but keep up the good work
How did you find this place?  I dunno
Corran2015 Sunday, 8/25/02, 3:35 PM
Yo upload Dralloc DM biotch.
How did you find this place?  The little people that live in my closet told me.
Hawkknight88 Saturday, 8/17/02, 7:30 PM
nice site and lvls, coming outn with any more lvls?
How did you find this place?  friend
nightmarez Wednesday, 8/7/02, 8:01 PM
whats up beefy havnt seen you in a long time, well meet up and blaze someday.
How did you find this place?  you
Mononoke Hime ---|aka lemming|--- Thursday, 7/25/02, 7:33 PM
nice style
How did you find this place?  i have special powers
Nuker872 Friday, 7/19/02, 3:22 PM
Really cool levels. I've had the mall for a while and I still cant find all the secrets. Its really too bad they arent more popular on the Zone
How did you find this place?  Google... Is there anything it can't do??
Tenchi Monday, 7/15/02, 11:28 AM
Holy shit, BEEFCAIKE! I heard you were dead or in jail man! Good lord! This is ElementTenchi (obviously). Hit me up on MSN.
How did you find this place?  Google
DJ_Insomniac Tuesday, 7/9/02, 12:08 AM
§ <== is my DNA¿
How did you find this place?  looking for the maps
The Great 2BContD Saturday, 6/22/02, 1:57 PM
You've been inactive a while but keep up the good work bro! God bless... The Great CGU_2BContD_
Web Site: Christian Gamers United Home
How did you find this place?  Long time fan
mr. moe Monday, 6/10/02, 7:00 PM
Beefy.... never stop editing! i don't care if it'll be necessary to download your last JK level one bit at a time! it will be awesome no matter what. and... if you edit for JO which already ownzers.... look out world here comes the greatest level editor. anyway.... you should be a professional singer. get a contract with a record company. great job on arena... it took me a whole 20 minutes to find the secrets!
How did you find this place?  some fool told me
Saber_Qui-Gon2 Monday, 6/10/02, 5:33 PM
Just saying hi from the Zone and the Saber Clan. Love your levels! - Saber_Qui-Gon (Zonename= Saber_Qui-Gon2 )
How did you find this place?  Zone chat
Raven_X Sunday, 5/26/02, 5:42 PM
Your my favorite lvl maker Beefcaike. Why you gave drolloc mall such a low rating i will never know. That is my favorite of them all. We need more lvls like that. Later.
Web Site: JK Adventures
How did you find this place?  LINK from
BeefCaike Monday, 4/8/02, 8:23 PM
Strike... you're on schmack! :)
Web Site: BeefCaike's Home of Jedi Knight
Shock Tuesday, 4/2/02, 2:50 PM
Sup Beef, looking foward to those new JK2 lvls. I will talk to ya friday. Cya lata. Shock
Web Site: The Bitch Lair
How did you find this place?  Umm, BeefCaike
(Members can delete entries.)