When you want ultra-paced hardcore Concussion Rifle Deathmatch in Jedi Knight, you want Dralloc Sirhc 3! The smallest most action-packed Sirhc DM in the Trilogy! Take command with your own array of skillful movement and precision aiming as you destroy your opponents in a vertically narrow room with endless ammunition! Get ready for the JK DM Experience you will never forget!

Con Krape Canyon - Dralloc Sirhc 2! The most highly detailed Conc Rifle Deathmatch Level ever to hit JK! Just like it's predeccessor, it is a large open canyon level with quick moving gameplay and breathtaking scenery. Higher-end computers with late model 3D acceleration, and the JK Enhancement Patch (Included) are required to play this level effectively. Just like Sirhc and Cold Fusion, there is unlimited ammo for both your Concussion Rifle, AND a hidden Rail Detonator!

A large canyon with catwalks and sniper points all around. While being hidden in a mountain enclosure, you have the advantage to completely destroy an opponent with your trusty Concussion Rifle! Utilize the jump pads to quickly re-locate yourself to various sniper points where you can get a bird's eye view of the enclosure. If you are a hardcore gunner, and you think you have what it takes... see if you can master this amazing deathmatch level!
: Oldskool Favorites From JK's Prime :