Jedi Knight Force Powers
Here are the Force powers that you can learn in Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2.
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Neutral Force Abilities
- ---Force Speed---
- My Rating: * * * *
- How does it help you in a situation: It can get you out of a sticky one reaaal fast
- Note: Beep, Beep (The Coyote could of used this)
- ---Force Jump---
- My Rating: * * * *
- How does it help you in a situation: Can use it to get to those hard to reach places.
- Note: What out for low ceilings......
- ---Force Pull---
- My Rating: * * *
- How does it help you in a situation: You have the ability to disarm your enemy
- Note: Laugh at the stormtroopers look on his face when he is unarmed.
- ---Force Seeing---
- My Rating: *
- How does it help you in a situation: You can see your enemies through walls
- Note: Thought you were gunna surprise
The Light Side Abilities
- ---Healing---
- My Rating: * * * *
- How does it help you in a situation: Well, you can heal your self
- Note: You thought i was gunna die, ahahaha looks like your the one who's gunna die!
- ---Persuasion---
- My Rating: * * *
- How does it help you in a situation: You are rendered invisible for a period of time
- Note: Huh, What, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
- ---Blinding---
- My Rating: * * * *
- How does it help you in a situation: Well if your enemies cant see what are they gunna do to you
- Note: My Eyes!
- ---Absorb---
- My Rating: * * *
- How does it help you in a sitituation: It takes force damage and turns it into force energy
- Note: HA HA!
The Dark Side Abilities
- ---Force Throw---
- My Rating: * * * * *
- How does it help you in a situtation: It lends you some extra weapons....
- Note: hahaha! Whos laughing now, you got a rock stuck in your torso!
- ---The Grip---
- My Rating: * * * * *
- How does it help you in situations: You have the ability to choke the life outta your enemies
- Note: I find your lack of faith disturbing!
- ---Lightning Bolts---
- My Rating: * * *
- How does it help you in a situation: You can get the most shocking responses outta your enemies...
- Note: Ahaha feel the power throught your bones!
- ---Force Destruction---
- My Rating: * * * *
- How does it help you in a situation: You have the abilitie to give your enemies, what they deserve....
- Note: Oww that look liked it hurt!