Rbots - Multiplayer bots for Jedi Knight


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James Bond

Hosted by

The Massassi Temple: #1 Source For Everything Jedi Knight


Wednesday 20th July 2005

Site Updates and Close of Rbots... - James Bond

I've decided I might as well make it official now that there hasn't been any development on Rbots for the past 2 years, that further development of Rbots has currently ceased. What the JK community has managed to achieve with Rbots over the past 5 or so years should never be under-estimated and should be regarded with a deep sense of pride, especially those here at Massassi that helped make Rbots what it is.

Raynar who began Rbots and saw it through its biggest challenges will ultimately be considered the one person people will first associate with it, but work done by people such as Hell Raiser and the many beta testers was always gratefully received.

My role while short and which never involved coding, as I know nothing of cog bar a few simple commands, was aimed at trying to encourage the community here at Massassi to continue Raynars work. It never lasted as long as I would have wished but some notable work did come out as a result, TCNF_Merfolk's work on an adapted JK Oasis with the bots using different route nodes and more aggressive force power usage was always a blast (literally) to play, even if it was a little buggy.

Goofz's series of levels, Galactic Locations was a perfect showcase of how Rbots could be added to levels and perhaps was released at the peak of Rbots development, its a shame while at University I didn't have the time to learn Cog and help improve it further. All these levels are linked to through the download page.

With the close of Rbots I've changed a few things round on the site, as we no longer have our own forum, all requests for help should now be directed towards the cog forum where a wealth of knowledge is still at hand. I've also updated the screenshots section with the completed pages for the MotS section and I've gone through the whole site correcting bugs that have cropped up over the years, the site is now w3c valid.

If anyone wishes to continue the work all the information needed to do so is here and available to view at anytime. All the required files are hosted here at Massassi and myself and Raynar are always contactable via our emails.

Its been fun, James out.

Tuesday 21st October

Rbots adapted - James Bond

Well, its been a long while coming but i've finally got round to uploading the file sent in by TCNF_Merfolk. Its an enhanced version of Qasis full force and much faster gameplay i feel, however there are a few bugs, which i'd like everyone who downloads it to make let me know about. The file can be found here, if you have any problems/or/and find any bugs please post them here.

Sunday 15th September

Uni Beckons - James Bond

Just a little note to anyone interested that I'll be starting Uni this coming week and I might be a bit slow answering any queries people might send me by email, just be a bit patient and I should be up and running again soon.

Tuesday 23rd July

New Members - James Bond

Guess its about time I made a formal announcement about this, Midget Basher and Matt_KG are now the main guys working on the development side of Rbots, I'll be adding their names to the roster shortly. Also for those that are interested in "bot stuff" Hellcat (who has helped with Rbots in the past) is currently working on another Bot project which sounds interesting, that a look at his post for more info.

Monday 10th June

To Everyone That Offered Help - James Bond

I've posted a topic in the Rbots forum for everyone that offered to help to response to, this is due to some of the emails I sent out getting no reply. So everyone that offered to help in Rbots development could you please respond to the post with an email address that they check often and to say that they are still interested in helping.

Tuesday 5th June

Search For Developers (update) - James Bond

Just to let everyone who doesn't visit the forums that often of the state of the Rbots team. Midget Basher and Matt_KG have offered to help out Strike1337 with the bug fixing while C_Jedi has made progress with converting the JK:MP level Blades of Death. Emails have been sent out to confirm that everyones still interested and that we should soon be making a start. So hopefully within the next week I'll be able to confirm some new members.

Thursday 23rd May

Last Call For Developers - James Bond

This is the last call for anyone interested in helping out with improving Rbots, if we are unable to find at least 1 more person who is willing to help out Strike1337 it is likely I will call an end to improving Rbots, I can't expect Strike1337 to take sole responsibility for fixing the bugs. On a good note however, it is likely that there might be some new LEC converted levels on the way thanks to C_Jedi.

Sunday 21st April

New Rbots Level Released - James Bond

Goofz has recently released a group of five brillant levels named Galactic Locations (16Bit), in which two of them have Rbots enabled. There is a link to the level(s) in the download section under Third party levels and I would highly recommend them, we're still on the lookout for people interested in improving Rbots.

Tuesday 16th April

Developers Wanted - James Bond

I'm looking into getting a team of about 4 developers together to fix the bugs with Rbots and improve upon (if possible) what we have already. Anyone interested should have experience working with COG and leave their email address on the forums with (if possible) links to any of their previous work. Depending on the response we might have a new version of Rbots on the way.

Friday 29th March

Screenshot and Bug Update - James Bond

I've finished updating the screenshots section, all the current Mots levels converted are shown in action. Also the problems page has been updated with some new bugs, BIG thanks to C_Jedi and The_Lost_One for their help.

Thursday 21st March

Bug collection..... - James Bond

Some of you may or may not be aware but i'm trying to get a complete list of known bugs together on the Rbots forum so that any future developments of Rbots will be easier for anyone interested in doing so. It is also necessary to find out if any new bugs have appeared in the recent release so that they can be added to the list, so if anyone has found anything please leave a reply to "known bugs please...." in the forum.

Monday 18th March

Screenshots Update - James Bond

I've completed my first little update of the site, you can now view screenshots of Rbots in action in JK MP and CTF

Monday 11th March

Farewell and welcome - Raynar

It's been great these past few years. I've met lots of very nice folks here and I've enjoyed working on Rbots. But all good things must come to an end, and with my illness it's just happened a bit sooner than I expected. Thanks everyone for your support. Well I'm now leaving you all in the hands of our new webmaster - James Bond. I'm sure you'll make him welcome.

Sunday 10th March

Rbots finally released! - Raynar

The all new version of Rbots has now been released. Featuring major reworking, bug fixing and most importantly all new levels, this new version is the final that will be released. With improved lightsaber combat, smarter enemy AI, new Capture The Flag gameplay, I know you will be pleased with the end result. Rbots is available for Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith. The SDK and full development source is also available. Rush over to the download page to grab 'em!

Here's some screenshots... click for full size

Rbots - Jedi Knight

rbots-jk-1s.jpg rbots-jk-2s.jpg

Rbots - Jedi Knight - Capture the Flag

rbots-ctf-1s.jpg rbots-ctf-2s.jpg

Rbots - Mysteries of the Sith

rbots-mots-1s.jpg rbots-mots-2s.jpg

Monday 4th March

Rbots progress - Raynar

All of the new levels have now been noded and tested. There are 5 new levels to play in MotS. All that is left to do now is to package the various Rbots versions, re-test everything and it's ready for release!

Wednesday 27th February

Rbots progress - Raynar

CTF is complete, together with the regular JK version of Rbots. Also the code has now been ported for MotS, and I'm now working on adding LEC MotS only levels for Rbots. Look for further updates soon.