DeadlyOne's Comments:Well, this game was a little pathetic actually. Yoda started out getting 6 kills and then he was disconnected. Well, then i noticed HyA_NoName wasnt dying. So, I said wait for yoda. They kept shooting. Well this got me a little mad. Once I killed the one who wasn't on god mode I started waiting for him at the CR. All that time the other guy is running at me with a Repeater shooting Concussion rifle shots. Well, i think i learned how to run:). So i just kept on this guy. He never said stop. And right when i had like 26 kills I go. "Is this still official"? and He said YES IT IS LOSER. Well, i ran, shot, and used darn near all my bacta. But i pulled through. Seeing how none of em seemed to know that the only thing that was keeping me alive was the Vest hehehe. So that was always available to me when i needed it:). I think i got most of my kills sniping on the bridge:). They though they had us beat too:).