Single Player Features

New Playable Character:

Mara Jade (From Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy - Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, Last Command)

New Weapons:

  1. Carbonite Gun – Shoots a freezing spray of carbonite.
  2. BlasTech BH-35 Electroscope – Pick enemies off from long range.
  3. Repeating Blaster Cannon – A stationary heavy firepower weapon.
  4. Seeker Rail Detonators – Seeker ammo for the Rail Detonator.
  5. Flash Bombs – A blinding grenade.
  6. Remote Sequencers – Allows the player to blow things up at the press of a button.
  7. BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol – A blaster pistol (Han Solo’s Gun).

5 New Force Powers

  1. Force Push
  2. Chain Lightning
  3. Saber Throw
  4. Force Projection
  5. Far Sight

14 New Story Levels:

Scenario 1: Rebel Base Defense

Rebel Base
Asteroid Crust
Asteroid Interior
Asteriod Destruct / Escape

Scenario 2: Ka’ Pa the Hutt

Ka’ Pa’s Stronghold
Katrasii Space Port – Part A
Katrasii Space Port – Part B
Takara’s Stronghold

Scenario 3: Rebel Escort Ship

Rebel Transport
Orbiting Ship Yards
Kaerrobanii’s Base

Scenario 4: Sith Temple

Dark Swamp
Sith Temple
Sith Temple Catacombs

Multi-player Features

3 New Multi-Player Personalities

  • Each will have it own health / movement characteristics
  • Each will have his own starting weapon / inventory.
  1. Soldier – a Rebel / Imperial soldier
  2. Jedi – From JK, a light / dark Jedi.
  3. Bounty Hunter – I.e. Boba Fett.
  4. Scout – Sniper / spy – quick & stealthy.

19 New Multi-Player Levels

  • 10 New Death Match Levels
  • 5 New Kill the Fool with the Ysalamiri
  • 4 Saber Only Levels

Includes historic locations:

  • Carbon-freeze Chamber
  • Imperial Throne Room
  • Tatooine Homestead
  • Cloud City Gantry

New Engine Features

  1. New Multi-player game (Kill the Fool with the Ysalamiri).
  2. Cameras & Security Systems
  3. New lighting features (including colored lighting support in hardware).

Programmable & ‘wav ‘ taunts for multi-player.

Improved network performance.

New Characters & Creatures
  • Rancor
  • Vornskrs
  • Ysalamiri
  • Noghri
  • Swamp Lurkers
  • Rebel Soldiers
  • Rebel Officers
  • Dianoga
  • Torture Droid
  • Assassin Droid
  • Tie Pilot
  • Scout Trooper
  • AT-AT Pilot
  • Swamp Wampa
  • Sith Jedi Statue
  • Sith Undead Warriors
  • Dart flowers
  • Abron Mar (Takara’s right hand man)
  • Ka’ Pa the Hutt
  • Pirate Raider
  • Weequay
  • Ithorian
New Ships (Not Pilotable – Scenery)
  • Imperial Landing Craft
  • Shrike (Mara Jade’s ship)
  • X-Wing
  • Y-Wing
  • A-Wing
  • T-Wing
  • Z-95 Headhunter
  • Nebulon-B Frigate
  • Corellian Corvette
  • R41
  • Interdictor Cruiser
  • Dreadnaught
  • Corellian Corvette
  • Additional T.B.A.
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