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We sat down with Project Leader, Stephen Shaw, to ask him some questions about Mysteries of the Sith, the Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II companion.

steve1_sm.jpg (15476 bytes)When did you come to LucasArts and what other projects have you worked on?

I started at LucasArts in 1992. Before Mysteries of the Sith, I worked on The Dig, Full Throttle, and was Lead Programmer on Outlaws.  We began development on Mysteries of the Sith in August, 1997. Soon after Outlaws: Handfull of Missions was completed

steve2_sm.jpg (15028 bytes)Does it use the same engine as Jedi Knight?

Mysteries of the Sith uses an enhanced version of the Jedi Knight engine. New features include better saber control, advanced networking, colored lighting support, improved AI, and better Internet cheating protection.


steve16_sm.jpg (14717 bytes)What were the primary goals of the project?

My primary goal to was to expand upon the foundation that Jedi Knight established. I wanted to introduce new characters and create a strong story line from which to further explore the Star Wars universe.


steve11_sm.jpg (15418 bytes)In what period does the story of Mysteries of the Sith take place?

Mysteries of the Sith takes place five years after Jedi Knight, in the period of the New Republic.



How does Mysteries of the Sith differ from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II?

The primary difference between Mysteries of the Sith and Jedi Knight is that the Force powers take on a Neutral persona, meaning they are not inherently good or bad, but allow your actions with these powers to determine your alignment. We felt there were numerous examples of this in the Star Wars universe (Luke using Choke on the Gamorrean guard in Return of the Jedi).  There is no Light or Dark choice, because we are dealing with a character that is being used elsewhere in the universe (Mara Jade), we couldn't have her turning to the Dark Side and still fit into the storyline. Additionally, it didn't work in the context of the story we were trying to tell.  There is no FMV (Full Motion Video), due to budget and time constraints, we couldn't produce FMV for the game. We felt that it provided a smoother, more immersive game environment, when we produced the cut-scenes with the characters that people saw throughout the game play. It removed some of the akwardness of switching from FMV to 3D and back.

Mysteries of the Sith introduces a new character, Mara Jade. Who is she and how does she fit into the game?

Mara Jade was originally introduced in the Timothy Zahn Novel Trilogy. She is a rogue Jedi, and one-time servant to the Emperor, who has recently transitioned to the side of the New Republic. Being a 'wild card' sort of   character made her interesting for our needs. It allowed us to take a known character in the universe and jump directly into the game without having to develop a lot of back story.  Mara appears at the Altyr base as someone who has sought Kyle out to assist her in her Jedi training, after playing Kyle in the first four levels, a cut-scene transition places you in the shoes of Mara while Kyle goes off to investigate a Sith temple… The game continues from there.

steve12_sm.jpg (13870 bytes)Did you develop anything else specifically for the game?

Many of the characters and creatures from the game already existed in the Star Wars universe. We did create some new ones specifically for the game though. This includes Kaerobani and the Pirates, Ka' Pa the Hutt, the Sith Undead, the Swamp Wampas, the Dart Flowers, and some additional new surprises.

steve8_sm.jpg (12830 bytes)Are there new cutscenes?

Yes, but they are produced using the 3D engine and not full motion video.



steve10_sm.jpg (15451 bytes)What are the new weapons and features that were added? Of these, which are your favorites?

  • Carbonite Gun
  • Remote Sequencers
  • BlasTech DL44 (Han Solo's Gun)
  • The BH35 Electroscope
  • The RMF31 repeating blaster cannon
  • Flash Bombs
  • Seeker Rail Detonators

Probably the Carbonite gun and the Seeker Rail Detonators. Watching the Seekers chase someone down is pretty cool.

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