The best control methods for saber fighting is the mouse in free look and keyboard or a joystick and keys combination - never use the keys. The mouse has a high degree of speed and accuracy in its use but keys have a larger delay with their almost digital inputs opposed to the smooth analogue of the joystick or mouse. Never stand still - with lag sometimes your opponenets may seem to teleport around the screen - if the lag is bad you never truly know where you opponent is and will have to second guess or anticipate his moves
"Trust your feelings!"
Aggresion is not always the way to victory, many swings with secondary fire will leave large holes in your defence, allowing a skilled opponent to penetrate them. It is much better to allow your opponent to attack first and analyse his tactics before counter attacking. remember one of the best functions of the lightsaber is its ability to block anything except for explosives and the concusssion rifle. to Block in first person perpective have your opponent between your crosshairs and your lightsaber, nearly all attacks will be blocked. Always try to keep your opponent in your field of vision, if you lose him for even one second, try to jump away from him and regain your footing. Jumping is a very useful technique to use in a saber fight, it can be used to avoid someone elses saber, rail detonators or the concussion rilfe, the best jedi can kill an opponent with just a lightsaber with no other weapons and sometimes even devoid of force. Jumping is also useful for surprise - running and jumping can be used to get a quick hit in before your opponent can counteract. Crouching is also very useful, not quite so much as jumping but can be useful to avoid a saber hit and hit your opponent in the knees.
Strafing is also a very useful tactic, it allows unusual roll maneuvers and a higher degree of dexterity, allowing you to circle your opponent.
The best thing you can do to improve your lightsaber technique is to practice and remember you can never stop improving your lightsaber skills. Seek out the best lightsaber players on the zone and challenge them, you may become one with the force but the new skills you will have learned will make you more poweful than you could possibly imagine.
Double swing - usually mapped to the z key, for internet gaming this is an essential function in your arsenal. This is a large swing that covers a large forward area and a slight area parallel to your chracters arms. Often two hits with double swing can kill, the first reducing 100 health and 100 shields to 05 health and 20 to 60 shields. if the enemy has full shields then the damage is reduced, if they have 100 health and 200 shields then it is reduced to 20 health and 120 shields. The best technique to attack your oppoenent is to find a gap in his defence - target him before just after he started double swing - to hit him in the chest, hit then in the side and circle around them to hit them in the back. remeber to be an honourable Jedi. Lightsaber tactics and the force- using the force while becoming an expert with the saber can truly make you a Jedi Knight. Force Jump can be used to confuse your opponent, quickly use force jump to somersault over your opponent and quickly kill him while he is looking for you, although this tactic wont work usually against an expert opponent or in 1 on 1 saber battles beacuse usually all their attention is focussed on you.
Do not ever hit an opponent who has not got his saber drawn, or who has just respawned, this tactic is dishonourable.
Single swing - usually mapped to the control key, many internet gamers, raised on the theory that double swing is best have found themselves in awe by those who are adept with single swing. Primary fire can pick a hole through any double swing, used three times in quick succesion will do almost as much damge as double swing about 80 to 90 health. there are 4 different types of single swing - forward slash, press forward and fire. Backward slash, press back and fire, side slash right, while strafing right press left and for side slash left, while strafing left press right. generally all these attacks take off about 40 health each. Unlike double swing these attacks can be used in quick sucession, upto three can be joined together, such as two forward slashes and then a backwards slash or three forward slashes, all of these swings are very uselful.
If you combine the jump with blind then your opponent will lose track of you or combine the jump with persuasion while in the air for another surprise. However many masters of the force will still be able to counter it. Force protection gives you the equivalent of 300 shields on top of your shields and lasts as long as your mana, this is useful for people who take a lot of hits but it is countered by each hit you take.Many players see the use of Force Protection as a dishonourable tactic as you are effectively invinceible for short periods of time. Using force speed makes you a much more difficult opponent to hit and double swing combined with force speed allows you to get one hit kills on opponents with full health and shields. Persuasion and blind are useful to confuse your opponents while you attack them but this is countered by the power of force sight. Force saber throw can be combined wiht normal saber figthing for some very quick kills.above all, stay with the light side. Don't give into hate, that leads to the dark side. And may the force be with you