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OLJ Clan Rank

Jedi Knights have always had a respect for order in their clans of light. Here you can view the many rewards that each member has earned, and who holds what position in the clan. You can also read up on each members playing style by clicking on their name. To see what the insignias mean, click here for awards and medals.



OLJ Leader

Our NF sabers general and all around saber expert. Chip has brought unity and order back to OLJ. Has the final call on all matters of OLJ


OLJ Inner Council Member

One of two FF guns generals looking for an apprentice. OLJ_kenobi is the webmaster and an inner council member. Putting him on the second level of rank.


OLJ Inner Council Member

Sketcher is the first jedi to compleate an apprentiship and become a jedi master! And has been racking up the kills. Has stayed loyal to the clan a very long time and has made many great banners earning him a saber bar.


OLJ Knight

The leader in kills for OLJ and one of the most decorated members. Shares the rank of FF gun general and OLJ Knight leader. OLJ_Obiwan is one of the most respected, and decorated Jedi in the clan.


Jedi Knight

OLJ Markos was offered the position of leader but turned it down. A humble and honorable jedi. A great addition to this clan.


Jedi Gaurdian

OLJ_Jaita made our cool monk banner and is now our alliance negotitation officer. Recently became the NF guns general.


Jedi Gaurdian

OLJ_Spider was making an OLJ level!!! but dissapered into the force.


Jedi Gaurdian

OLJ Kyth is a quiet jedi, he speaks through the force. He lets his lightsaber do most of the talking.


Jedi Apprentice

OLJ bob is the newest addition to the clan