The Story of OLJ's past present and future, check out this new timeline made by our allies at EJL
A long long time ago, in a zone game far far away. There were Jedis who saught light in a universe of darkness, who saught order in a universe of chaos. Their names were OLJ_Emperor, and OLJ_JM_Exar. They started the clan known as the Order of Light Jedi. Now one of the most illustrious and luminescent light side clans ever to play on the zone. They began recruiting and training other jedi in the ways of the light side of the force. They had many apprentices, OLJ_Obiwan, OLJ_Chip, OLJ_Kyth, and OLJ_Markos but they still had no home, until. OLJ_kenobi came and made a grand training center for them using his force gift with amaizing skill. The clan grew strong with new recruits. Then... The dark times came, Sith lords attempted to take over OLJ, inner clan battles started to tear the order apart. Many fell vicim to fear and ran. Countless hackers smeared our name across the universe, many clans tried to defeat us. But none could. Although her numbers were few, for many had became one with the force, even our leader. But OLJ forged ahead, with a new leader and new order, OLJ_Chip the new leader, OLJ_Obiwan and OLJ_kenobi of the new jedi council. OLJ once again was strong. The sith lords were vanquished and OLJ once again came to bring light and peace back to the universe. New cadets came and added to the clans greatness. Now, the training center as well as the knights themselves grow stronger. Hopefully one day, all the force will flow to the light side.