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Weapons Training

Here are some tips on the various weapons that a Jedi uses. If you have a tip/tactic that you would like to add you can post it on the message board, or E-mail it to OLJ_kenobi and it will be posted ASAP.

[ Fists ] [ The Bryar Pistol ] [ The E-11 Stormtrooper Rifle ] [ Thermal Detonators ] [ The Bowcaster ] [ The Repeater Rifle ] [ The Rail Detonator ] [ Mines ] [ The Concussion Rifle ] [ The Lightsaber ]

INDIVIDUAL GUNS AND THEIR USES- by OLJ_Obiwan and OLJ_kenobi. E-mail the OLJ Gun generals

Your fists are your last line of defense. These should never be used unless you are in a fistfight. Using your fists in a gunfight is considered by many to be not much short of suicide. The only reason you should have these drawn is if you are typing. Ammo- none

Bryar Pistol--
The bryar pistol is the only gun you start out with when you join a game. This gun should only be used when you have no other options. Personally, I never use the bryar when I join, as the saber makes a much better weapon. One thing the bryar is good for, though, is taking opponents out once they have been already hit with a secondary slash from a saber. One or two shots will do the trick nicely. Ammo- energy cells Max ammo- 500 Amount per shot- one energy unit

Stormtrooper rifle--
The E-11 stormtrooper rifle is a much-underrated weapon. It excels at blasting opponents up close and personal when they have an explosive weapon drawn. As they cannot shoot you up close, as the blast would kill them as well, by dancing around them as you fire you can kill them quite quickly. Using the secondary function gives you full automatic. Ammo- energy cells Max ammo- 500 Amount per shot- two energy units

Thermal Detonators--
If there is a useless weapon in Jedi Knight, the thermal detonator is it. It inflicts minimal damage and has a very short range. The only use I have found for it is to hurl at an opponent who is coming at you with a drawn saber. But even this is done better with mines. Stay away from thermal detonators in multiplayer games. The secondary function will delay the explosion a little more. Ammo- thermal detonators Max ammo- 30 Amount per shot- one

The bowcaster, like the stormtrooper rifle, is another little-used gun. I have, however, found an excellent use for it. Because it you can charge it up to fire many rounds simultaneously, you can use it to kill an opponent very quickly, even if they have a better gun. Simply hold fire to charge up your bowcaster, get right next to your opponent, and release! 5 shots spread out instead of 1. This will drop their shields, and one or two more rounds will finish them off. The secondary will bounce the shot off walls 3 times, this is great for shooting behind yourself or around corners. Ammo- power cells Max ammo- 500 Amount per shot- two power cells for primary, six for charged, 2 for secondary

The repeater is one of my favorites. As its name suggests, it can fire very rapidly. This is useful for killing opponents who are running from you, or trying to kill you with an explosive weapon. Fall back on this if your concussion rifle or rail detonator was pulled. If they are running from you, just fire at them in the direction they are heading. Even if they jump, most of the shots will hit them. If they have an explosive weapon, circle strafe around them, firing at them as you turn. Even if you can't kill them, they will get discouraged after a while and leave you alone, allowing you to get a better gun. The secondary shot fires three charges in a triangle formation, not very useful, but you can use it if you are extremely close or the other player has their lightsaber drawn as they can only block one bullet. Ammo- power cells Max ammo- 500 Amount per shot- one power cell for primary, three for secondary

Rail detonator--
The rail gun is one of the most useful weapons you can get. It fires a powerful explosive charge to an unlimited range. In secondary mode, the projectile can attach itself to an object or player for a delayed explosion. Rail detonators are more plentiful than concussion rifles, so being able to use one effectively is a great advantage. One trick is to shoot the opponent with one secondary charge, and while that is still fizzling, blast them with a primary charge. This will usually kill them immediately. You can also use the rail gun as an alternative to mines. If someone is following you, simply shoot secondary fire at your feet as you run and it will explode when your pursuer passes it. This requires good timing and a lot of practice but is worth it. If you are sniping someone from long range, use both the primary and secondary functions to saturate the area, if they aren’t hit with your shots directly, most of the time they will run past one stuck in a wall, and BOOM! Ammo- rail charges Max ammo- 30 Amount per shot- one rail charge

The mine is the most hated weapon in Jedi Knight. Many an unwary player has been blown to Kingdom Come by a well placed mine. There are two ways to use mines. One is to lay a trail of them as you run around. The other is to drop multiple mines from a ledge so that they all explode at once. The latter is the way I think is most effective at getting kills. If you place your mines around blind corners, you can also get good results. Also if someone is chasing you just drop one using the primary function, this will cause it to explode quickly, whereas the secondary function needs time to arm, thus giving your opponent time to slip by. A really evil way to lay mines is to lay secondary function mines near items such as health or ammo. This way, it will explode when someone comes within range. Remember "Greed can be a powerfull ally" -Qui Gonn. A tricky way to get around mines is to put on speed and run right over someones trail, the explosions will miss you completely. Ammo- mines Max ammo- 30 Amount per shot- one mine

Concussion Rifle--
The Concussion rifle is the most sought after gun in a Jedi Knight game because of its power, range, and speed. The concussion rifle holds more ammo than the rail gun and its shot travels much faster, leaving your opponent little time to dodge. The concussion rifle does have its drawbacks, though. It gulps ammo down prodigiously, the recoil is quite large and could push you off ledges if you aren’t careful, and if you fire it too close to yourself, you can easily take your own life unintentionally. This is the weapon most players go after when they join the game, and by denying it to them, you can keep them from ever out-gunning you. The key to using this weapon is to realize that it is not a be-all, end-all weapon, and that even if you have it, a split second later you could be dead and another player might be holding it. With that in mind, exercise caution when using it; remember that if the other player kills you, he gets it. It is much better to run away from a fight and save your concussion rifle than to risk loosing it to your opponent. Use the secondary fire while inside or while close to walls, it will never harm you. This is a great sniper weapon because of the large blast radius. Ammo- power cells Max ammo- 500 amount per shot- eight power cells for primary, four for secondary

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Lightsaber Combat page.
Although there already is a section on this weapon elsewhere, I believe it is good to talk about this weapon as it pertains to a guns game. The saber is the most powerful weapon you start out with, and you can kill any player with two swift secondary slices. You can also use this while invisible to sneak up on snipers and slice them. The great thing about the lightsaber is that it can block shots! Every projectile except the rail gun and concussion rifle. Just keep your crosshairs on the person shooting the shots, it deflects for you. If you are good enough with the force and a saber you can dominate in even a guns game, I have seen it done! The best way to use it in a guns game, is to corner players with explosive weapons in confined areas. This puts them at a disadvantage, as they cannot shoot their gun without damaging themselves and puts you at an advantage, as you can hack at them with your saber until they go down. Beware, however, of the secondary modes of the rail gun and concussion rifle, as they can kill you easily if you get too close or don’t move around enough. Ammo- none

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