This page is a great place for tips. This page will explain to you the pro's and cons of every force power in JK. We will soon be adding Misteries of the Sith powers too. If you have a tactic you would like to add, put it in the guestbook. .
![]() | Force Jump A very usefull force for getting to those hard to reach places, ie: the roof in Valley of the Jedi Tower, when combined with speed you can get to the top of the spaceship in Battleground jedi, and a cubby hole in Blades of Death. This force power is mostly used to get around and to find sniper spots. Use force jump and force speed in Canyon Oasis to jump from the metal bridge to the concussion rifle. This is much faster than swimming. |
![]() | Force Speed Force speed is very useful not only to get around much faster but you can use it to get away from enemies in a losing fight. But be very careful, it is very easy to fall off a cliff using force speed. But in a saber duel, use speed + the secondary key (double saber slash) for a 1 hit kill!! |
![]() | Force Sight Force sight really has no downside to it no matter what side of the force you are on. Sight allows you to see "persuasive" jedi. Also if you are using sight and a jedi attempts to blind you, it will not work. **NOTE, if you are already blinded, turning sight on will only make it worse.** The most important feature of sight is that while sight is on, you can press tab and you can see where people are on the map, (press + and - to zoom in and out). You can make shure no one is coming after you. or you can wait around a corner and see when someone is coming, and pull the trigger. Also, the more stars you have on it, the more you can see, with 1 star, other people. With 2 stars, other people for a little longer. With 3 stars, other people and items on the map, for even longer. With 4 stars, People, items, and gunshots. **NOTE in MOTS when you are using the rifle scope, turn on force sight to get rid of the infa red** |
![]() | Force Pull Force pull is one of my favorite force powers. Only usefull in guns matches, (sabers cannot be pulled), force pull allows you to pull the gun right out of your opponents hands! Also as a secondary point you can pull items across ledges to you. Beware! Experianced Jedi know that using force absorb will cancell out force pull and not allow you to pull their guns. |
![]() | Force Healing Force healing is a light side force power that allows you to recover health. For each star you put on healing you will recover 20 points. This is helpful if there is no bacta or health packs around, but it uses quite a bit of force. |
![]() | Force Persuasion This is one of my favorite force powers!! Using this force power makes you invisible, (exept for a few hard to see blue sparks, and people with force seeing). Using this power while in a sniper position is great also getting around without anybody knowing. Sneaking up behind people and slicing them with my saber is one of my favorite tricks. For a little extra bonus, while in a saber fight use force jump and while in the air turn on persuasion, when you land your opponnent will have no idea where you are, thats when you slice'em. |
![]() | Force Blind This is the only force power availible to the light side that could be an offencive power. It could cause other players to fall off clifs and ledges to their deaths. Also, when you are caught in force grip, force blind the gripper and the grip will stop! |
![]() | Force Absorb This is probably the least used and underapreciated force powers. I, however, use it all the time. There is no down side to this power. Your opponnent can't: blind you, pull your gun, grip you, use lightning or destruction on you. When they use grip, lightning, or destruction, you will see a green force feild around you and hear a noise. And you lose no health from their attack. I use this after i pull someones gun and they try and pull mine, its great. |
![]() | Force Protecton Some people call this cheating but I'm not so shure. This erects a force feild around you for about 1-2 minutes. It is the same as having 300 sheilds and they repair themselves. Also Force grip and destruction do nothing. There is no downside for the user, only his opponents. The only thing I have found that works against them is sabers and using the secondary function on the rail detonator. |
![]() | Force Throw This throw is used by some, but it is only usefull in levels where there is debris on the ground. Battle Ground Jedi, Blades of Death, and Valley of the Jedi Tower. This power does what Darth Vader did to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back. It picks up that debris and throws it at your opponnent. Very effective and does not use much mana, this is a great force power. |
![]() | Force Grip This force power is another one that people hate. Extremly powerfull, it can kill any jedi in a coulple of seconds. This is the same force power that Vader used on the Admiral in A New Hope. The only way to counteract it is with absorb or protection. Even with absorb on, this force will hold you still and leave you open for saber slices. A great way to use force is to only play on jedi level six, Jedi aprenntice. Although you don't have as much force or as many stars, you can use persuasion and grip together! Now you can sneak up and choke people without them knowing. Beware! this is a hard tactic to master. |
Force Lightning This one is not used much in the zone because grip works much better. Used mostly by newbies because it looks cool, lightning doesnt cost much mana wise, but is very unaccurate. It is only moderatly powerful and can easly be escaped. | |
![]() | Force Destruction This force is a favorite of dark siders everywhere. Very powerful and wide reaching, this is definitly an offencive force. The big upside is that no matter how close you shoot it, it can not hurt you. Feel free to shoot at the ground right infront of you and send those other guys flying. Use this on levels with precarious walkways to knock people off. The only downside is that it costs half your mana. |
![]() | Force Deadly sight This is another of the so called cheat forces. I don't think any forces are cheaters, but anyways, Force Deadlysight will scorch anyone within your sight. But as soon as they turn the corner, it wont hurt them anymore. This force power is good because it has an ulimited range. The only problem is that it is very easy to counter act with aborb, to suck it up. Or speed, to get away. |