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Canyon Oasis

Definitely the most popular level in JK. The large open map with availiblity of guns, and sniper posisitons make it deadly!

[ What Force Powers to Use ]
Generic Powers
Light Powers
Dark Powers
[ What Guns to Use ]
[ Level Breakdown ]
[ Extra Info ]

What Force Powers to Use

ATTN ATTN: Many force powers are useful in this level and my tips may cause you to run out of stars!! Use what works best for you!

Generic Powers

Force Jump
A must in this open level. You can use this to get from the ground level, to the middle level by the pool, and again to get from the pool level to the walkway! When combined with force speed, it allows you to get from the bridge to the concussion rifle, MUCH quicker that swimming. CAUTION this takes practice! 4 stars

Force Speed
This open level allows for lots of running. Great for getting to packs before other players 2-3 stars

Force Sight
This force power doesnt cost much, so just keep turning it on. Stay on the top level, near the two force powerups! 1-2 stars

Force Pull
Everyone goes gun crazy in this level, they can't kill you if they dont have a gun! 4 stars

Light Side Powers
Unfourtonatly the light side powerup is not in as an accessible location as the dark side one. Stay on the top level, either on the bridge, or the landing inbetween the health packs and the mines.

Force Healing
Five things of bacta and 3 health packs should do just fine here 0-1 stars

Force Persuasion
This is great for sniping from the area by the concussion rifle, or sneaking up on people who are sniping from there! 3-4 stars

Force Blinding
You could use this power but I've found that if your gonna use it, you have to use it all the way, make your own decison? 0 or 4 stars

Force Absorb

Force Protection
I felt like using this force power here once. I won 15 to 0 against a jedi who is as good as me. It could be useful!

Dark Side Powers
Play on the lower levels, No help for the light jedi's here. Grab the dark side powerup, force jump to where everyone is and blast away.

Force throw
Nothing to throw!0 stars

Force grip
You are taking grip damage, you are taking grip damage. 4 stars

Force Lightning
HMMMM no0 stars

Force Destruction
There are some pretty high falls here, This is also great for pushing people out of the concussion rifle cubbyhole. They fall to their death!!!4 stars

Force Deadly Sight
This would be an ok bet. Definatly use this against other dark jedis!!


Again the light generic is the winner, although dark generic comes a close second. Keep your finger on the trigger and force absorb. Keep moving unless you are invisible. Listen for someone to turn on force sight, then move again.

What Guns to Use

Finnaly a level where we can use some big boy toys without waising ourselves! Everyone goes for the concussion rifle! You should too. Get it and A). turn invisible and wait for someone else to come up the tube and waste them. B). start sinping, look for people involved in other battles, look straight across, straight down, or to your left and down on the ramp. or C). Rejoin the action. Here's a new trick, it takes lots of practice, using the mouse can help too! While in a fight with other players in a nice open spot such as the upper level, or far bottom level, use force jump, point that gun down at your opponent and fire! this is dangerous because the landing hurts a bit (about 6-8 hp) so keep some bacta nearby, and you must fire quickly, you wouldnt want to land in your own shot! For more close quarters fighting switch to the rail detonator. Sit by the force powerup on the little ledge, go invisible and wait for people to walk by! Also, standing at the top of the ramp by the health packs gives you a long straight shot down the narrow walkway! Using the crossbow and repeater are death wishes unless you are dark and have a force power up your sleeve. I wait for people while invisible at the turn on the metal walkway, it gives you a nice view of the whole level. The only reason to use mines in this level, is to drop them down the water shaft by the concussion rifle to keep out pests. Using them on land is a waste.

Level Breakdown

Its such a beautiful oasis isnt it, nice open areas for death!

The Upper Level

This is where most battles are fought, never never never stand here, always move to a new location when waiting for a new fight, preferably near the starting of the bridge. Never stand next to walls, always stand a good deal away from them! Concussion rifle shots may miss you but if they hit the wall, the explosion will get you if you are not far enough away!

The Pool

This level can be helpful if you can get guys to walk backwars, they will fall into the little water things, making them easy targets. Go here if the armor vest is gone for the 80 sheild points. Standing near that edge gives you a great position to knock out any sinpers!

The Bottom

It can be very dangerous here because good weapons and powerups are hard to come by! Keep your finger on pull while down here, If you get in trouble just jump up to the pool level, then force speed out of there.

Sniper Hangout

This is where everyone thinks they are bada$$. They just got a concussion rifle and are in prime sniper posision. Don't let all this newfound power go to your head! Look all over for people engaed in battles. If you don't see them, they are looking for you, go invisible. Look straight down to the bottom level, then to the pool, then to the ramp on the left, look by the passageway to the rail gun, and up on the brige and across to the top level. Or to make your job easyer, just turn on force sight and the map. If you want to displace a sniper, go to the pool level, and look up, or go to the safer spot of on the bridge, You might be able to actually pull their gun, or blind them! Be shure to go invisible to make it a surpize attack. But dont waste the mana if you hear force sight. To kill you, the sniper would have to get a direct shot, you don't. The odds favor you. Hold the alt key to sidestep while fireing to get a good saturation effect, if he jumps, get him from where you are. Or preplan for that by laying mines in the water where they land.

Extra Info

Always be checking for the armor vest. Keep your health levels high. If you want, you can go invisible and wait at the top level, but, have the lightning turned on! That way you will know when a person is coming up the ramp. Aim your gun at the ground right at the top of the ramp and when you see their head pop up, shoot and move away from the wall. Then walk backwards against the wall twoards the force powerup, keep shooting, if you get in trouble, just drop down next to the rail gun and keep walking backwards.