Halo: Combat Evolved (PC)
Date: Wednesday, May 14 @ 20:45:00 PDT
Topic: News

Halo: Combat Evolved (PC):The Very First Look

HALO. In just a few short years, the mere name has achieved near-mythological status among gamers. With three million units sold (and counting), the critically acclaimed Xbox title game has managed to gain a following few games can claim, attracting even the attention of mainstream celebs like Alias' Jennifer Garner. And yet, for countless other gamers, it feels as if there's still some unfinished business to attend to. PC owners were salivating at first sight of the game years ago, but with Microsoft's acquisition of developer Bungie, the game became an Xbox-only title, leaving PC gamers with two options: buy an Xbox, or wait it out for the PC version, for which there's been virtually no info over the past few years. That's changed...........

Gamespy's Look into the upcomming Halo out for PC in September 2003

This article comes from Neon Knights International Gaming Guild

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