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What to do what to do
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Im back ;)
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[Game] Word Association Thread
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patch mirrors
Last post by Icy Storm on 09/13/2005 at 18:24

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Last post by Wizarium on 09/13/2005 at 09:13

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Last post by Grim_Chicken on 09/13/2005 at 07:52

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IS Masterchief White black oriental or arab???!!11?
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DnD Online
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anybody still plays jk ?
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SWG - TC Update Notes

Here are the latest updates that are being tested on the Test Center

September 25, 2003 - A fairly big patch has been pushed to the Test Center server for testing. Here are the details as posted on the official forums:

Please click Read Entire Article for all the details...

We are still working on this update. These notes are not final. Items could be added or removed.


An Imperial Research Facility on Dantooine headed by the premier cyborg specialist Colonel Teraud has been revealed. Rumors of unrest surround 'The Warren' (as it is called), after an Imperial Inquisitor sent to investigate the Colonel's progress has failed to report back any findings.

Bartender Rumors added for Monthly Fiction current events.


Fixed a bug that would cause mission objectives and creature lairs to respawn infinitely.

Vader and Palpatine (and imperial officers) now default to Imperial Mood so they don't scratch, yawn, etc.

Missions on advanced planets will now scale correctly based on character level.

Added chance to draw mission above your level on starting planets.

Updated creature spawning on Dathomir and Endor.

Made Cowardly Gurrecks smaller.

Added random quest giving NPC's to Talus and Corellia.

Changed generic outpost to science and trade outpost on dathomir.

Removed the Gorax from a static quest so players can't spawn it on demand.

Fixed retrieve quest for Nien Nunb (part of the Rebel Theme Park). You can now converse with the Trader who is supposed to give you a hyperdrive repair part.

Increased min distance for missions in small city regions

Any player can now use the bug bomb grenade

Fixed missing mission objective on rebel faction destroy missions

Raised HP cap on lairs from 3k to 10k

Capped the max number of components that can be found off a single creature in loot at 10.

Fixed many quest bugs for static quests and theme parks

Fixed a problem with the floor in the Emperor's palace where you could walk through a wall.


Fix combat spam so that armor that is attacked by a higher-rated weapon will correctly report back the damage it prevented.

Changed all delay moves to be on a 30 second timer

Sped up grenade throws

Added some failsafe clearing of dot states to help prevent the states sticking after the dot is removed.

Made AT-ST & AT-AT vulnerable to DT_blast

Modified turret armor ratings vs DT_energy

Modified turret weapon damage types (block=blast & tower=kinetic)

Fixed knockdown/stun exploit with AI by clearing dizzy state on knocked-down AI when it attempts to stand

Removed bleeding effects from droids and vehicles

Decreased unarmed move costs

Fixed bugs with state defense modifiers

Brought pistolmeleedefense2 (pistolwhip 2) cost in line with pistolwhip 1

Removed knockdown from disarming shot

Decreased knockdown delay to 5 seconds

Fixed surprise shot and change surprise shot so it doesn't remove cover

Increased vibroknuckler range to 5 meters

Increased movement accuracy penalties/defensive bonuses

Decreased cost of all knockdown moves

Increased damage of all knockdown moves

Fixed a problem that prevented several loot armor components from not providing their special protections.

Reduced the encumbrance of the padded armor segment.

Tweaked component loot values on armor segments and enhancements to correspond with changes made to draft schematics.

Fixed a problem with some loot weapon component enhancements increasing attack delay instead of decreasing it.

Decreased 2h move costs

Decreased polearm move costs

T21 improvements

Fixed some bad Armor Piercing ratings on weapons. The T-21 has been set to Heavy and the Tusken Rifle set to Light.

Modified process for granting general combat xp (should always be at least 10% of total combat damage)

Upped combat xp grant range to 80m

Decreased pistolwhip 1/2 damage

Increased move costs for lowblow

Fixed panic shot cone size, delaying user, and not effecting multiple people


When manufacturing an item that takes components, you do not have to extract the components from the crate to put in the input hopper. You can just put the crate in, and the manufacturing station will get the components as needed.

Whenever a structure is reduced below 50% damage due to maintenance, its owner is warned via e-mail.

Made double clicking work on factory crates in crafting

Fixed containers (crafting stations and vendors especially) to calculate their inventory space correctly.

Fixed an issue with factory crates not showing the stats of the contained items.

Fix crafting lock-up if you try to use 2 crafting tools at once.

Added "empty harvester" button to discard ALL resources

Added more info when you examine a manufacturing factory.

Fixed missing items purchased from vendors

Fixed crafting manufacture schematic limit to 100

Fixed damage experimentation ranges on the warhead stabilizer component so that they are displayed correctly.

Changed the resource attribute weights on warhead components to use Decay Resist and Quality.

Changed experimentation on munitions components to use weapon experimentation.

Changed resource requirements for medium warheads (grenades) to require more generic resources instead of specific ones.

Fix for crafting stations screwing up item limits in houses and better feedback to players for not being able to pick up crafting stations with items in them

You can no longer access hoppers while in your inventory and you can't pick up crafting stations that have items in the hoppers

Fix for missing components after crafting

Added new schematics for droid repair kits

Send message to player if he loses a component during crafting due to his inventory being full.

Prevent deletion of manufacture stations if the hoppers or schematic slot is not empty.

Removed targeting computer slot from the tangle gun.

Reduced the HAM costs on advanced sword core and vibro blade components.

Altered the artisan-granted harvester and generator schematics to grant general crafting XP instead of specialized architect XP.

Updated crafting requirements for the lightning rifle

Raised the resource cost of the C22 grenade by 8 metal so that it costs more than the C12 grenade. Increased the experience to compensate.

Added 'premium' column to vendor listing

Fixed a typo in the ranged stimpack E schematic which caused it to cost 13 duration mechanisms instead of 3.

Items with low hitpoints are now unrepairable.

The difficulty to repair an item now increases as the item becomes more damaged.

Skilled crafters gain bonuses for the repair of items within their field.


Fix for pet auto-store exploit

Fixed problem where pets in droids could not be moved to the owner's datapad unless the pet knew the "transfer" command

You have to go outside to call a pet (and still must be in a city, camp or near your declared-residence).

Pets will no longer eat food when they aren't wounded.

Pets are no longer considered by /boostmorale.

Pets will wait to complain about health, action or mind wounds until they have lost at least 20% of those attributes to wounds.

Fixed super-annoying bug with pet control devices which prevented the 'CALL' option menu from showing up for several seconds.


Armorsmith - Slightly increased the crafting effectiveness ranges on Padded, Composite, and RIS armor segments.

Armorsmith - Fixed a problem with the advanced Ubese segment which prevented it from working in Ubese schematics.

Armorsmiths should now be able to fully colorize their armor without having to be tailors. The Armor Customization skill mod determines how many colors the armorsmith can pick from (note, some items may not have all colors available for selection. The available colors depends on the palettes used for that item).

Armorsmith - Armor components that give special protections now add on top of the armor's general effectiveness. This applies only if the armor wasn't previously vulnerable to that damage type.

Armorsmith - Experimentation on general effectiveness now adds to special protections given by components. This does not apply if the armor was previously vulnerable to that damage type.

Armorsmith - Fixed a problem where adding special protections to armor did not remove any underlying vulnerabilities

Bio-engineer - DNA Sampling: made creatures that are being sampled from not attackable while sampling occurs

Bio-engineer - DNA Sampling: made dna sampling more relative to creature level (high skill/low level = high success; low skill/high level = high failure)

Bio-engineer - DNA Sampling: made aggro & spook chances more consistent with skill level and # times sampled

Bio-engineer - DNA Sampling: changed dna sampling animation

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Updated tissue descriptions to include information about bonuses given.

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Removed Charigra & Personaphene tissues

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Removed experimental durability from tissue experimental attributes as it had no effect.

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Added the new Mask Scent skill to the Scent Camouflage & Scent Neutralization tissues.

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Made all tissues and pet medicines craftable in Food & Chemical Factories

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Made multiple tissue enhanced components used in different slots of a clothing schematic stack better. (Components with no enhancements will no longer wipe the final enhancements.)

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Fixed all tissues skill modifiers to work correctly. (Existing tissue and clothing made with those tissues that report a modification also work, with the exception of the removed skill modifiers.)

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Removed Medicine Use from new crafted tissues. (Existing tissues and clothing crafted with those tissues will still report the Medicine Use modifier but they will not be counted for determining the level of medicine to be used.)

Bio-engineer - Tissue Engineering: Updated tissue descriptions to include information about bonuses given.

Bounty Hunter - Fixed bounty hunter targets turning white

Bounty Hunter - added 5 charges to probots

Bounty Hunter - added 10 charges to seekers

Bounty Hunter - Lowered average level of bounty mission mark.

Combat Medic - Added line of sight checks for combat medic dot attacks

Dancer - Increased the effect of dance mind buffs. A master can now increase a stat up to double of its base value. Maximum durations have been increased to 2 hours.

Droid Engineer - Fix for a few droids and droid schematics were not granting XP for their being crafted.

Droid Engineer - Now a pet droid won't ever have any armor unless it was crafted onto it.

ImageDesigner - display a selection index number on the slider page to help users communicate and remember changes

ImageDesigner - add a palette UI for color changes

ImageDesigner - add human male freckles customization

Merchant - adding merchant ability to update player shop signs

Merchant - Fixed bug where vendors sucked up too much space in your inventory

Musician - always have play option on placed instruments (ommni box, nalargon), but give a failure message if they have another instrument equipped

Musician - Increased the effect of musician mind buffs. See Dancer above.

Ranger: The flora component of camo kits has been removed.

Ranger: Camo kits now yield more uses and have a wider experimentation range.

Ranger: Camo kits now work properly when crafted in a factory.

Ranger: The duration for conceal has been fixed, it was half what it should have been.

Rangers are now notified when a creature begins to stalk them.

Scout: Mask Scent / Conceal is now properly removed when you initiate combat.

Scout: When examining creatures, the "Aggressive" trait will now be correct.

Scout: A novice scout can now examine a creature to determine if it is a "Stalker."

Scout/Ranger: Non-aggro creatures will not attack you when mask scent or conceal breaks.

Scout/Ranger: Aggro creatures will only attack you when mask scent or conceal breaks if you are within 40 meters.

Smuggler: Fixed an exploit that allowed you to retain an upgrade kit during slicing and still get xp.

Tailor - Fixed tailor customization: The master box now grants an additional 55 colors.

Teras Kasi - /meditation: fixed /powerBoost

Weaponsmith - Added the ability for weaponsmiths to craft the reinforcement core and advanced reinforcement core components.

Weaponsmith - Added the reinforcement core as a required component to gaderiffi baton, stun baton, two-handed axe, and power hammer. The addition of the component will enable the armorsmith to impart component bonuses on these items (making them more in line with other weapons). Slightly reduced the HAM costs on the gaderiffi baton, stun baton, two-handed axe, and power hammer to compensate for the extra HAM cost given by using the reinforcement core.


Fixed a bad start locations for several battlefields.

Battlefield markers snap to terrain (fixes several problems with battlefield behavior)

You can no longer pick up HQ Terminals

Added HQ kickbacks for missions taken from HQ terminals (missions taken from HQ terminals grant credits equals to 5% of reward toward HQ maintenance and factional missions taken from HQ terminals grant +5% faction point reward bonus)

No longer allow neutral players to help neutral non-players with enemy flags of any sort

Now allow donation of mines to minefields by same faction personnel regardless of owner.

Added armor, increased hp and up range to 70 meters to faction perk turrets

Upped default hp for covert detectors

Fixes for factional buildings working correctly on server restart

GCW terminal fixes

Streamlined doctor faction perks (+25% effect)

Added musician & dancer faction perks (+10% effect to heal wound/shock & +25% mind buff value)

Allow doctor,musician,dancer faction perks to work whereever they can factionally register

Adding factional hqs to planetary map for player registration capabable hqs

When purchasing battlefield reinforcements, players are only held to the faction declared minimums if they are actually declared.

Various Imperial/Rebel factional dungeon bug fixes

Disallowing terminals inside of factional HQs from registering with the planetary map

Integrating minefields for tower turrets

/delegateFactionPoints command added. The conversion ratio is based on the delegating players rank

Added additional HQ specific data to the structure status window


Character Sheet - now display value and max value for each attribute in the text field (buffs update the attribute value as well as the max attribute value)

Guild member lists allow more than 50 entries.

Made /dragIncapacitatedPlayer visible in action list

Fixed auction table columns resetting sizes every close/reopen

Added travel lines between destinations on galaxy map

Can no longer split resources on Vendor, Bazaar or Trade Window screen.

Bio-Engineered Tissues now have their own sort category on the Commodities Market.

Fixed chat rooms getting deleted when group is disbanded

Added group and advertise chat bubbles

Fixed more palette colors throughout, brighter text on darker buttons

Fixed radial menu, more contrast between bright and dark colors

Made 'instant sale' the default action when selling items on the bazaar

Community Screen - Badges should now display properly

Community Screen - Fixed tips

Community Screen - Added a "Spoken Language" option to coincide with the /language command.

Holocron - added a "Report A Bug" button to help players avoid creating inappropriate CSTickets

Holocron - Added an explanation of armor protection

Made auction windows auto-refresh for available

Now saves the auto-afk time, response message, and whether auto-afk is enabled.

FriendList: Added comment field per friend. (client-side only)

FriendList: Added group field per friend. (client-side only)

FriendList: Added confirmation option when removing friends.

FriendList: Added option whether to notify when a friend comes online/offline. This is specified per friend. Disabling this option on a name in the friend list also disables the name from showing when using /friend. This option is for keeping someone in your friend list who you want to keep in touch with, but don't necessarily want to know everytime they come online/offline. The UI will always display all friends online/offline status regardless of whether you want the notifications.

FriendList: Added option to hide offline friends from the UI and /friend.

FriendList: In the FriendList UI, the online status now shows in the color specified in Options->ChatColor->OnlineStatus.

FriendList: Updated /friend to show group sorted friends. Offline friends are hidden by /friend if the option is specified in the FriendList UI.

FriendList: Added /friendcomment < friend name > < comment >

FriendList: Added /friendgroup < friend name >

Fixed some situations where chat text colors would change in the middle of a sentence.

Other Bug Fixes

Grouping system rewritten to perform in context of local players

Group notifications now always on and go to group chat

/group command temporarily disabled

Autolooting disabled

Make adding a Skill Enhancer to an equipped socketed item update your skill bonuses correctly.

Fix attribute mods that lower a max attribute value to 0 causing the attribute value to be the max.

Fixed problem with selling items from inside a factory crate

Fixed an exploit where you could add charges to stimpacks.

Fixed an exploit where you could raise your secondary stats high enough such that using special moves actually caused you to gain points, rather than lose them.

Fixed a problem with losing one charge off of an area stimpack when the heal has failed.

Force the player to standing before performing a ranged healing action.

Spamming /conv at AI won't cause it to stop and face the player

Fixed the 2 most annoying cases of 'trade canceled'

Fixed problem trading datapad objects

Fixed bug with /changeBandMusic

Raised firework show min delay to 1s

Fixed some template problems that were causing a few armor segment and weapon component enhancements to not function properly.

Set fishing pole volume to 1

Fixed existing firework shows and added additional method for adding show events

Random vocalizations for stormtroopers removed. Fixes a number of bugs relating to stupid stormtrooper vocalizations at inappropriate times.

Increased the maximum range of the special protection on armor layers.

Reduced the encumbrance penalty on advanced armor segments.

Setting a building to private will now eject any npc not on the entry list.

Incapacitated players can no longer search a lair.

Radioactive sampling causes ill effects - that stuff is dangerous, be careful.

Fish on different planets should now have varying colors

Players will now be notified when they have reached an experience cap for a specific experience type

The problem with food stacks sometimes becoming inedible has been fixed. This should work retroactively with previously broken food stacks.

Fixed a problem with creatures breaking mask scent/ conceal when scouts and rangers left their interest radius.

External Options Menu: Added option to re-enable setting the mouse cursor every frame

External Options Menu: Added option to disable character LOD manager

External Options Menu: Added option to skip the intro

External Options Menu: Added option to disable the asynchronous loader

External Options Menu: Improved graphics performance by splitting vertex/pixel shader support and fixed function pipeline support into their own code paths

Fixed an issue where players could become permanently incapacitated in some cases where they had been buffed and were then cloned with many wounds.

Increased the integrity of player houses so that it takes longer for maintenance decay to destroy one.

Male characters can now go shirtless.

Added the group command /splitCreditsToGroup.

Loots items now have better chance of having increased attributes.

Loot items with one or more increased attributes are now highlighted green to make this more obvious.

You can find the official posting of these notes, along with the full discussion, right here.

-- Raylin Du'Notin

Posted on Friday, September 26 @ 17:30:00 PDT by Wizarium


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