
Knights of the Sith An Internet Gaming Guild Established December 1997
"Always two there are, no more, no less... A master, and an apprentice." --Yoda (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace)
In December, 1997, 4 Sith Lords allied with one another to defend, protect, and enhance the power of the Sith. These Lords were Anakin Solo, Soulforged, Jaster Mereel, and Coruscant Reign. As their power grew and their skills became more intune, apprentices set out to find these Sith Lords to learn from them and join their ranks. And so their "religion" grew and thus became a source of Dark Power and Elite Skill across the galaxy.
And grew their ranks did.
Some time ago, imposters emposed into The Sith and attempted to destroy this alliance of Loyal Knights. These imposters were routed out and destroyed. Some showed true promise and embraced the true power the Sith offered. They became enlightened and were allowed to join our ranks. This period is referred to as The Rebirth. During this time, Coruscant Reign ventured deep into the Sith and discovered long dorment powers. Taking the ancient title of Darth he is now known as Darth Reign, the Dark Lord of the Sith, leader of his loyal Knights of the Sith.
To rule wisely, Darth Reign chose an elite group of Knights who were strong with the Dark Side of the Force. They are the Most Loyal and Trusted Knights. . . they form the Sith Council.
Thus far, this combination of Skill, Dedication, Rule and the Dark Side of the Force has kept this guild not only strong but growing. . .
A Knight of the Sith must have the deepest commitment, and the most serious mind. Only the most Fearless and Inventive member shall survive.
You have only begun to discover your Dark Power. You do not yet realize your Importance.
With our combined strength, we can end Conflict and bring Order to the galaxy.
Now, fulfill your Dark Potential and take your place at our side It Is Your Destiny. . .