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NEW!   Jk Kicker Helper Version 2.01!!
Jedi Knight Kicker Helper Overview
       The purpose of this utility is to assist non-cheating players hosting a game of Jedi Knight in kicking cheaters and removing the effects of many hacks that can spoil a great game of Jedi. Cheating in this game has become widespread and new hacks are being invented every day. With JK Kicker Helper at your side, you as host can aid in keeping a normal game of Jedi up and running. Without it, you will be at the whim of hackers and cheaters trying to take your game down to their level. The program is simple to use and although it doesn't remove the effects of 100% of the hacks being distributed via the Internet, it will clean-up or prevent a large subset of the whole.

       Many cheaters that enter into a normal game of Jedi use special characters available to a Windows 95 user that are typed by first holding down the ALT key and then a four digit code while the ALT key is being held down. If you want to see all the special characters available, insure that you have the Character Map utility installed in your Accessories menu on your Windows 95 start menu and run it. The character map utility will display the ALT code you need to type, on the lower portion of its window, by clicking on the character you want the code for. Not all fonts have every special character defined, so pick one that does. If you do not have this utility installed, you can install it through the Add/Remove Programs icon on your Windows 95 control panel. You will need your Windows 95 CD or disks to successfully install it to your machine, so have those handy.

       When JK Kicker Helper was first created, its only function was to rename the cheaters who were using the special characters without burdening the host with looking up a needed ALT code. Charts of these characters were available on several websites for the purpose of informing everyone how to enter them which could be printed and kept near for reference. This was an OK solution, but very time consuming for the host and prone to error. While a host scrambled to look up the characters on a chart, the cheater would hack the level and players at will, usually making the game unplayable for everyone by the time the cheater would be kicked. With JK Kicker Helper these charts (sometimes called ASCII charts) can be tossed aside and cheaters can be renamed efficiently and quickly with the touch of a button or some simple keystrokes.

       For a while, this seemed to be a perfect solution to the hacking problem on the Internet Gaming Zone. However, it soon became apparent that this would not be enough. Some hacks would leave their effects even after the cheater was kicked out of the game. The goal of that type of hacker had been fulfilled. They may have got booted out, but they still won the battle because the game was messed up and their mission was successful. For this reason, JK Kicker Helper needed to pack a bigger punch if it were to be an effective tool. JK Kicker Helper now has anti-hack functionality, with a focus on cleaning up those hacks that remain after the cheater is kicked. It is my goal to make this program have the ability to remove all hacks of this type.

       I hope to help you have a better multiplayer JK experience over the Internet Gaming Zone. Your support for the anti-cheating movement by using this utility is greatly appreciated by me and the countless others using this program. We thank you for downloading and using this program to help keep our games hacker and hack free.

Happy kicking!
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Webmaster and author of the Jedi Kicker Helper:

MERC_Tiberius (IGZ)
.=Tiberius=. (KALI)


This site copyright 1998.  No original art or text may be duplicated without my permission.