The BFP2 skinpack would not exist without the talents of many great artists,
editors and programmers.
None of these people have profited in any way by allowing us to incorporate
their creations into the flagship mod of JKMAG, except by allowing the JK
community to have one of the best skinpacks in existence for the game.
Our thanks and admiration go out to everyone involved!
Corrections and Omissions
We have discovered a couple of credit errors in the BFP2 readme. If you
know of any ommissions or errors here, please email
Chyren and they'll be
corrected asap. If you know the email addresses of any of the artists, also please let us
know. Thank you!
Skin Artists:
AL MCDONALD, a skin artist who is prolific, brilliant and laid back, has
contributed the Ackbar, Ardenlyn, Bandit, Beliblis, Biggs, Chewbacca, Cylon,
Dash Rendar, Dengar, Elvis, Espo, Feyd, Flyer, Fremen, Garindan, Grand Admiral
Thrawn, Han Solo, Hoth, Ig88, Judge, Klaatu, Lando, Leia, Nikto,
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Phase 2, Phase 3, Ponda, Royal Guard, Snow, Strike, Ubese,
Vallo, Veers, Wedge, Xizor, and Young Ben skins.
MARC SAUVE, known for his treasure hunting and ingenuity that lets us
use many of LEC's aborted skins, has contribued the Barada, Dark Trooper, Dark
Undead, Ithorian, Noghri, Oola, Shoanes Culu, and Uggy skins.
MARIUS has contributed the Battle-Angel, Lara Croft, Maw, and
Mecha-Jedi skins.
JOE LIAU, contributed the Baron Karza, Exar Kun, and Miko skins. We apologise
profusely to Joe, aka Kalidor, for the error.
ELEMENT CUDA, maker of Element Skin Pack, has contributed the Blue-White,
Max, and R5 skins. Mucho apologies to Element Cuda for the misspelling of his
name in the readme for the pack. We'll try to fix this as soon as we can.
ROMARIO SILVA, a talented X-Phile, has contributed the Dana Scully, ET,
and Fox Mulder skins.
SHEEPEATER, an apparent comic book fan, has contributed the Batman and
Superman skins - skins which have been in demand for a long time.
BOBBY LEE, a comic fan with slightly darker tastes and great talent,
has contributed the Dark Superman and Deadpool skins.
GRIER, maker of the X-Men Preview Pack, has contributed the Cyclops and
Wolverine skins.
GUNDAR, a skin artist with gruesome taste, has contributed the Bloody
Kyle and Headless skins.
PEPA QUIN, leader of the Order of FP, has contributed the Kenny and Pepa
RANCOR has contributed the Urban Commando skin, a great exercise in
KRUSHR and LIKWID, brothers who are well known in the JK
community, have contributed the unforgettable Santa skin.
SPAWN, a former JKMAGger about whom nothing else is known, has
contributed the Spawn skin, one of the most popular anywhere.
MART has contributed the original Star Trek skin, Jean-Luc Picard, which
is also a part of VisionGuy's Star Trek TC.
NICK DRJUCHIN followed Mart's lead, and has contributed a beautiful
Spock skin.
TAZZ kept the tradition going, contributing very well done Kirk and
Scotty skins.
DUNCAN MCGREGGOR has contributed the sweet Luke Skywalker skin. There
are many, many Luke skins out there, and we think we made the right choice in
choosing this one.
JEDIMAN, a Canadian with an attitude, has contributed the Canadian
Commando skin, which is just too cool to miss.
RHALLE, responding to an idea of GoldenWolf the player, has contributed
a very nice looking 'GoldenWolf' skin.
DRAVIS COVELL, the Netsquads guy, has contributed Bond - James Bond.
J. LOUISE, about whom nothing is known, has contributed the Ninja skin.
A completely unknown author contributed Duke Nukem - the original
quality version subsequently used as a base by many artists.
Saber Artists:
BFP2 contains 31 original sabers, and some are hard to describe, so here is
just a general overview:
FIRE-HAWK made many original and very cool sabers, including the
"Lightning Bolt," "Helix," and "Lava Lamp."
RANCOR made the Psychedelic saber. In the selection screen it shows up
as a blue saber with the word "Psychedelic" printed on it, but in gameplay it
looks awesome.
JK THRAWN, a huge figure at, made the Sabers of the Sith,
sabers with a black core.
NIGHT WARRIOR, the pack's most prolific saber artist, made many awesome
sabers based on textures on the CD, such as the "Surge" saber. He also created
the "Ripple" sabers.
Pack Construction:
DARKNESS STRIKES is the maker of the original Galaxy Skin Pack, which
organized many of the skins at the time and made it easier to assemble the
best ones.
"BFP" is the maker of both BFP v1.11 and BFP v1.24. One day he just
stopped answering his email, but he did an incredible amount of work and
revolutionized skinning, and deserves kudos.
CLIFFE and VANDELAY, the founders of JKMAG, gave BFP its home
and generally helped with many aspects of it.
H, the writer of the BFP2 readmes upon which this text is based. He
helped on BFP, acted as technical support for it, and lobbied Cliffe to
take it into JKMAG in the first place; once work on BFP2 began, he largely
constructed the pack itself. H deserves a big round of applause for all of his
effort in making BFP2 as popular as it now is.
JADAWIN, a JKMAG member and programmer, made the smooth install module
for BFP2; such a foolproof install is not an easy thing to do, and it's a great
boost for us.
KURGAN, denizen of, created the GOB/GOO versions of the
pack in late '98 that can be used with Patch Commander.
Copyright Notes
BFP2 is freeware. It was produced for the community, not for credit.
No one has made any money from this project.
Thus you can do whatever you please with it. Our only stipulation is that if
you modify and re-release it, you must release it under a different
name; you may not make a modification and then release it as "BFP2."
You may, however, make a change and then re-release it under whatever different
name you want. Of course, if you use BFP2, you must credit the author(s) of
each skin and/or saber you use.
There are some things in here that you can't find anywhere else; eg, the Batman
skin in its original form crashes the game due to an error on the author's
part, and H fixed it. If you use a skin that H fixed, converted
or otherwise wouldn't work without his help, you must credit him.
The copyrights to the skins themselves are owned by their respective artists;
our right to use them within the pack has been granted by them. Alteration,
misuse or appropriation of the skins themselves or their authorship is
expressly forbidden. You have been warned.
For questions or comments, email
© 1998/1999 JKMAG [Jedi Knight Multiplayer Addon Group], all rights reserved. Current site
design by Chyren