What is your name? Nick
When did you start playing JK or
what got you into it? I started playing in 1997 when
brother got it.
What settings do you prefer?
BGJ NF, Oasis FF,
What kind of computer do you have?
Dell Dimension 5100
How can we get in contact with you?
On the JKLE Forums, Im there :-)
What is your favorite original
map(s)? Oasis, BGJ, VOTJ
What is your favorite add on map?
AI Wars, JHS, Caesars Palace, ORJ Tourney
What is your preferred weapon?
Stormtrooper Rifle
What was your first clan? LSF
and still is :-)
What is your arch enemy? Hmm..
Saber vs Conc
Funniest JK moment? Pushing
Nsd_Sumo off a 800 ft cliff in Free Fall
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