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Wodz Messiah
Joined: 12 Sep 2005 Posts: 201
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:42 am Post subject: Misc history |
"I dont remember how I got this but EA_Connor7 was RedXIII in Ancient, and Connors name is Connor McNeil. Darky_JCS is not Darkie"
Darky_JCS = EoS_Silverbolt aka Solarflare_JCS
Ancient_RedXIII aka IRN_Silverb.. is Connor McNeil
MDK_BorlHuman 10893561
DH_Apoclypse 14431086
SJD_DarkKnight 15577270
SF_Pentdragon 80856476
Subzero_SyK 12551935
WC_KngFuGrip 22557189
WC_RAZOR 27797552
DH_Alchemist 18534325
DH_Beefstu 10787365
"Only hackers could beat me. And If I lost to people then they hacked. MacLeod was never as good as me either..Mac all of a sudden got really "good" and his reputation grew from there" - KRT_Mata_leao
DSbr_un = WaR_Jawsome = KRT_Acrobat
Forzo made Tastee, Alch turned it into a clan
OMG_mata_leao, one man gang
KoAC Saberwizrd and KoAC Phiser are brothers
Karmacop and Element__Bhuda (jennifer) are brother and sister
Prince_Cable and Prince_Havok are brothers
IRN_DarkJester and TWC_MavSG were roommates in college and created WaR, TWC, Margarita together
EA_DraGonX and EA_187 went to college together
Wodz, IRN_Corlin, IRN_ProZaC all went to Yale together
JRT_DemonLoki graduated from Stanford
HDK_Omega graduated from MIT
DArtagnan_JCS and Kyle_JCS went to high school together
dP_MegA and dP_Xecutioner live next to each other
EA_Pointdexter (adam) and HDK_Snarf (john) are brothers. Pointdexter went to college in Shanghai, China
NK_Wizarium and NK_Teaa are married
IRN_Sephorith and SJD_Demona are married (from England, met online)
Silverstar_JCS and EoS_Quicksilver are brothers
Wodz and KuD are brothers
Wodz and Chronos grew up together
EA_REGULATOR and EA_iLLuMaNaTi are brothers
SmokeDawg420 and HDK_ALcO are brothers
DH_CINDER and Devsta8 are brothers
Widowmaker and Nautilis are brothers
IRN_Quake and IRN_Malstrom are brothers
Ji_LoKo and Ji_WeeeD (founders) went to high school together
BSBFragmentor and BSBMercyMan are cousins
Wodz grew up near EA_Vert, IRN_Thrash, Element_HTML
Mata Leao created MR and his bother and cousin were in it (some people say he was all 3 people)
EA_Veranon ran Jediniggits
Nemesis ran UCT Tournaments
DArtagnan, DH_Nerfherder and FOG_Adrenaline ran the CWT ladder
Element_God and DH_Nerfherder ran CWT Tournaments
DH_Nerdherder made the CWT trophies
Fallen and DaSmack are brothers
KDD_Lonestarr and KDD_Dark_Helmet grew up together
Prince_Newblood and Prince_Graphite are brothers
MR_PIPPEN_33 was Rachel_007
MR_RODMAN_91 was Ruas Vale Tudo, which means "the streets" in Portuegese
DSbr_AeRoN graduated from Cornell
wodz zone passports
slicer> yo yo, check it, this little punk wodz, he says hes been to yale? what the f**k yale? f**k yale, ill make him cum in a pale, then ill drink that shit straight up, just like ale... Sit your b**** ass on a rail, before you fail, ill sodomize you with a mutha fuckin flail.. hoe
DroW_Ix_Chel> Ok.. would you like the short or the long version of the story?
WODZ_TEXT_GOD> long version is fine
DroW_Ix_Chel> Alright, Ill do the long one
DroW_Ix_Chel> First of all, you knew about the cancer I had on my stomach, in fact quite a few people did
DroW_Ix_Chel> I went in for the surgery on that, had it removed, lost most of my stomach (bad about 1/2) and then was feeling better
DroW_Ix_Chel> However, they missed some of the tumor or it came back, they do not know which, and it spread the my uterian wall and ovaries, along with some of the lymph nodes in my uterus
DroW_Ix_Chel> I had a 2nd surgery, that was when I left. and had to under go some hydrogen peroxide therapy to clean out my uterian walls...
DroW_Ix_Chel> After that was finished, they had to remove my ovaries as well, thus in doing so I am effectively "dead"
DroW_Ix_Chel> However as to why people said I died.. it was because that is what I told Ean(ani)
DroW_Ix_Chel> He tried to come over to the US to take care of me and I would have none of that
DroW_Ix_Chel> That would be probably the long and short version.. not much to tell other then Im 1/2 a woman now :/
RGF_Sloan1> lol
X_Powaron> ill be back in 10
RGF_Sloan1> in short shes your average dumb fake blonde
RGF_Sloan1> lol
MERC_Keymaster> sloan perhaps if i post a picture of a guys c**k that would be more appealing to you ;)
RGF_Sloan1> perhaps if I posted a picture of a gatekeeper with his "gate hole" hanging out it would appeal to you too
RGF_Sloan1> :)
RGF_Sloan1> IE the gatekeeper bearing his bare butt to you lol
MERC_Keymaster> yes the gatekeeper!
MERC_Keymaster> i require the gatekeeper!!
MERC_Keymaster> For I am Vinz. Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer, Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?
TWH_Saruman> uh,yes?
MERC_GateKeeper> I come seeking the Keymaster
TWH_Saruman> ok
MERC_GateKeeper> are you the keymaster?
TWH_Saruman> um,i think
MERC_GateKeeper> I seek the one knows as the keymaster, you are not that one.
TWH_Saruman> whoops
MERC_Keymaster> i seek the gatekeeper
MERC_Keymaster> http://www.facethejury.com/profile.asp?user_name=SoFlaHottie
MERC_Keymaster> For I am Vinz. Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer, Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?
TWH_Saruman> im not sure who iam ne more
MERC_GateKeeper> I seek the keymaster, to slip his shaft into my gate and turn my lock.
TWH_Saruman> ew
RGF_Sloan1> eww is right
TWH_Saruman> getting a little frisky arent u gatekeeper
RGF_Sloan1> they must meet for keeper sex
RGF_Sloan1> so he can shove the key HARD
RGF_Sloan1> lmao
TWH_Saruman> bible stories bible stories!
MERC_GateKeeper> YES!
TWH_Saruman> NO!
TWH_Saruman> Wait,mabye
MERC_Keymaster> I am the Keymaster! The Destructor will come, the Traveler! The Destroyer! Gatekeeper!
TWH_Saruman> oh crap,im outta here
TWH_Saruman> lol
MERC_GateKeeper> I am the Gatekeeper, keepther of the gate, I await the keymaster to tur my lock and open me up.
TWH_Saruman> ive heard this story before,the white guy gets killed first
wodz 51 51 22
bartolo 29 29 41
bobbo 25 25 34
beerman 20 20 28
height: 5'9
weight: 155
age: 19
Location: Edmonton,AB,Canada
Favorite Game: Counter-Strike, Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Education: Starting College
Nickname: King Hax
E-mail: pao_pai@hotmail.com
ICQ: 38284286
Aim: lstxlneo
msn: pao_pai@hotmail.com
Quote: Being Cocky is the best because it makes u better than the rest
Interests: Yawn
QuEsT: Slap Romeo with a large trout.
(Enter)> Legacy_QuEsT
(Enter)> Wodz_QuEsT
Legacy_QuEsT> I can't login on ftp to server
Wodz_QuEsT> i know
Legacy_QuEsT> You'll have to do it. It will only take a second
Wodz_QuEsT> give me angelfire info
Legacy_QuEsT> nh/quest = login
Legacy_QuEsT> momento = pw
Legacy_QuEsT> Memento
Legacy_QuEsT> is te right spelling
legacy, legendary, hydra, pestilence, wodz, neo, thad, misty, romeo, pandora, r3n, HeXeN
VDS Tryout list - incomplete
1.CoRleoNe - PASS
2.England - PASS
5.NeO - PASS
6.OxIdE - PLAY
7.Padawan - PASS
9.Vanion - PASS
10.Zodiac - PLAY
11.Lyricist |
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lacky Member
Joined: 11 Jan 2006 Posts: 3 Location: ky
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:56 pm Post subject: |
JZA went to school at oxford
and he wasn't no nigga. |
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Wodz Messiah
Joined: 12 Sep 2005 Posts: 201
Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:54 am Post subject: |
History - Database.
· Note 1. i'm posting any old info that I can find and have saved. after that posts will be of random history of players, events, clans, and the history itself. Please post historic information on the message board please.
Posted By EoS_Kaiser :
1. JaG was never accused of hacking. I know, because I was there. Julie was kicked from JaG because of it's attitude.
2. Nefarious was once JEV_Kindar. DOOPY, myself, DArt, Kyle, Hawksugami, Krypt, BlazingSaber, Kaeron, and 8ung are all former JEV.
3. I can name some members from KRT, seeing as I was around when they were on the Zone: Syco, Mr.Wiz, Kaminari, and Mata Leao.
4. I can give a history on almost every member of EoS...we never came out of the "blue." One can say the same for the current members of KoAJ, but you know it isn't true.
DArt: Former JEV, JCS, EoS
myself: former JEV/JaG/TWC
Thunda: former JAG then JaG
Morphine: I'm gonna keep everything about him hush hush
Just a few examples, there are more, but I don't want to get myself in trouble.
Posted By AtomicP00P :
1. First of all i remember when JEV_Kyle drafted his friend into JEV a certain Dartagnan and he was an ok saberist...think of at this time i could beat Kyle sabers...But Darts dream has always been to start his own clan. I was surprised when he left JCS to start his own but i think it is really great that they have turned into such a formidable force as they are now. COnGRATS DART from humble beginnings to Auspicious fortunes.
2. I'm talking old school here. KRT was before EA hit power..it broke up just as i joined JEV way back in about err March 98. Then the game had only been out for a relatively short amount of time and they were the ppl who understood lag and timing and had good aim and were quick learners. No doubt they also had some of the best skill about at the time. However, the rest of the scene was filled with relative newbies who didn't fully comprehend lag etc. However, even today these guys are still thought of as greats but i think they are thought of as greats more for the way they pioneered the game and created a certain atmosphere about it and it's clans.
3. KRT members that i vaguely recall...i forgot it has been a long time since i visited that website. Mr_Wiz, Mata_Leao , Kaminari (creator of the great level Syan), MacLeod (best gunner i ever saw), Syco, err..i think Acrobat was one...hmmm....can't remember anymore off the top of my head. Crap i can't believe i forgot Memnoch..sorry memmy. I was just given the url to the KRT home page...it is still up. http://www.newlifesys.com/~KRT/krt.htm
4. I checked it and all the players weren't just skilled in one aspect, they could all kick ass in everything i think. GO check it out ppl and remember that when these ppl say that they were specialists in those areas it means they KICKED SOME SERIOUS ASS.
5. IRN have been around for f***ing ages that is true..and they have always been a powerful force just to mention some Realistik sad to find he cheated but nm, Top Gun, Alvin_Maker, Macloud, PestControl, JDi, Disturbance, The_King.
6. JAG and JaG which are synonymous NEVER HACKED. If anyone was thought to have hacked they would be kicked out. I was member of JAG/JaG and would like to completely put to rest any rumours of anyone ever hacking in it. These for the most part were my friends and i don't mix with ppl who need to cheat their friends in order to have a good time. JAG weren't kicking members...members left once they had more of a rep to start their own clan. Well it happened with Alch..hehehe...not trying to hassle you just publishing truth. He started MeG you should remember em, i consider them to be a new clan too.
7. I don't recall NRS_Preacher being unbeatable so i am sorry about that..no doubt they were a much respected clan. However, not what i would call a major player on the scene.
8. yes JKE were really well known, and they always had quality players.
9. EoS are still a relatively new clan in my opinion..which i guess is a little fucked up...but i think they have only been around for about 2-3 months, and that is pretty new, i remember when dart first made the webpage and it was pretty crappy....but only coz he was a newbie at html. But all the members have histories. It is great and a testament to Dart that he has been a good leader and has encouraged all these ppl into following him down his path.
10. I disagree with your comment about EA being the best of all time too. Neffy was Kindar as Ares former JEV pointed out. He left JEV amid a great uproar...but his intentions were honourable, he just never told us at the time. He left to make a name for himself in a big league clan ie EA which he did most successfully and was the topic of the CWT message board for a couple weeks...arrogance and some other crap being the main reason why.
11. A comment about being the "best" if i recall...(not a value judgment just how this was perceived). Man that is funny GenetiX fantasy matches..hahhahahah....i remember playing em. hehehe...Jeez too much so called mysterious shit. As to WaR just see Risk's post to see the talent involved there. It was a damn good clan. I would have liked to say that I had been in it but I never was.
12. i just wanted to post fact not fiction so people can have a little history to 98. It seems sought of silly asking ppl who don't know most of 98 to come vote about it. A more sensible vote would be who do you think is the current most powerful clan. I should have told Element God that when he asked me for a topic. doh *smaks head on desk*. here is what Mata had to say as to the whereabouts of the former KRT.
ME: hey what do all the old KRT's do now?
Mata:no clue i know Kaminari edits levels and shit for games and syco comes online sometimes he has school and work no clue about macleod and wiz and the others.
Posted By IRN_Alvin_Maker :
1. Atomic is why Margarita fell apart, then Atomic fell apart for awhile and they started WaR then WaR died and all the gunners formed Royal and a few people decided to start Atomic again
2. KRT came from EJK clan
Posted By Unknown Ninja
1. Margarita, formed by Margarita_Dutch. Some members went to a new, meant to be a spoof clan, named Atomic. Those members include MavSG, DarkJester, FORZO, Dlux. Dutch stayed with Marg as did alot of others. Then atomic had some fueds and fell apart. Then DarkJester and Mav started a elite clan dubbed "WaR", At the time war, ea, gs were the top clans in the world. When WaR fell all the gunners joined Royal, Royal did not last for very long. But at the same time some others decided to restart Atomic.
Posted By CrimsonRED :
1. Something just reminded me of a time ago, about almost two years ago..but it seems like yesterday. I remember starting a KRT reunion, because I wanted to see some of my old friends again. A date and time was set and invitation sent out through email and icq. As Far as I can remember these are the people that overall showed up. KRT_MrWiz, KRT__Syco, KRT_mata_leao, KRT_Memnoch, KRT_Dirge, KRT_Avalanche, KRT_MacLeod, IRN_PestControl, SJD_Unknown, EA_CrunchTime and EA_Veranon, im not possitive on Unky though. Anyways we had a great time of reunion. And I made a suggestion we should all go into the ladder room as our old names. Well when all those KRT and EA got in there, people went nuts, seriously. I remember someone saying they were taking a screenshot of the ladder room. It was really funny, but great for everyone to see that KRT lives on. I remember Memnoch made a chat log and Syco did as well, I dont know who else, maybe Wiz. Memnoch tried to send me the log but I couldnt get it to work. I have recently been trying to contact Memnoch, and if I do so I will see about that chat log.
2. Back in 1998 during the finals of a CWT Sabers NF Tournament. I recall being in a room with DArtagnan right before his CWT final with DH_FiRE. I was trying to get dart all psyched up, focused and ready for this battle. Overall the battle was intense, and very long. Fire won 3-2.5, Dart missed the last hit due to lag..or maybe I jinxed him..hehe
3. Back in early 1998 I recall joining a guns ffa game. There were 3 people in there, besides myself. EA_Crunchtime and TasteeBigWig, I dont recall the other. But Biggy sure was stomping CrunchTime. And at the time CT was a well renowned gunner..so seeing him beaten stuck in my head for all these years *picks up cain and walks away coughing*
4. Just for historic entry, Julie is a asshole hacker..but it was sorta decent at guns ? But kicked its ass in saber |
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