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Friday January 05, 2007 2:48 AM
forgot to take his meds
Joined: 17 Feb 2005
Posts: 869
Happy New Year - The Tenth Year of Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2!
I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year, even if it is a bit late. This October, Jedi Knight will be a decade old.
The Jedi Knight Dedicated Server (2005-2006)
After about 1 and a half years of operation, Triscuit, known to the JK community as JKSERVER, shut down the Jedi Knight Dedicated Server at the close of 2006. The JKDS was a wonderful place to hang out and play JK games whenever you felt like it, and I will always have great memories of playing on it.
I ask those of you who enjoyed the use of the server to send him a thank you, or something. The JKDS was the biggest thing that kept Jedi Knight alive these last years, and required a lot of time and commitment on Triscuit's part to keep running smoothly., .com, and
- will be shut down sometime within the next few days. I was unable to raise any money to keep the site up, and as such I cannot afford to continue to rent a server for Cost is not the only reason I've made this decision.
I am very very disappointed in the total lack of leadership within the Jedi Knight community. ( #NarShaddaa) is a channel filled with vulgar references all day long and a total lack of JK games or discussion all day long, due to the tolerence level for people who contribute nothing and make disparaging remarks all day.
Wodz was the one who started the channel, citing numerous reasons for leaving BeefCaike's channel, the transition was smooth as BeefCaike was a poor leader and the JK community, myself included, no longer had any tolerance for drug addicts.
Recently, Against the best interests of the JK community, Wodz added both lacky and Interloper/Nate to the op list. I witnessed fully unnessecary actions taken against a friend of mine and decided once and for all I will never put my faith in JK's community again. Scott/spectre remains in full control of the #NarShaddaa channel despite Wodz's reassurance that Scott's position as an OP was temporary. This is disgraceful. I have seen absolutely no maturity and initative on the part of anyone in the JK community to save what we have left.
The JK community will fall apart as the poor decisions of less than model leaders like Wodz and BeefCaike cause JK players who have come to the same conclusion as I depart from the community, leaving only those who contribute nothing to the JK community, those who do not play nor contribute to any decent discussion. Apparently I am the only one who views this as a major problem.[/b]
Where JK players meet to play is the heart of what JK is. I can pay for, work on, and maintain a great community resource, but where people play and talk is the very foundation of the game. People like severen, Wodz, and BeefCaike have abused the privlage given to them and as a result the JK community is now closer to nothing than ever.
Drug addicts, Elitists, and Incompetent losers like Wodz, BeefCaike, GnarlyDewd, SmokeDawg, Scott, Lacky, are all indirectly responsible for the death of Jedi Knight. I'm not going to play games here, because I just don't ****ing care anymore. I choose to speak my mind. Want to insult me? Go ahead. I don't ****ing care. This site only has a few hours left as it is, and my participation in the community has reached an end.
I may be the only one who cares, but at least I used my best efforts to try to save something I knew could never be brought back once lost.
- EAH_XxHeReTiKxX |
Last edited by EAH_XxHeReTiKxX on Saturday January 06, 2007 2:39 AM; edited 5 times in total _________________ ruthless deeds return to harass their architect |
Friday January 05, 2007 2:54 PM
There Is No Escape
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Friday January 05, 2007 3:14 PM
Joined: 22 Mar 2006
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Location: Argentina
Well, first of all, i was happy new year to you too, Ret and everyone!
Second of all, i'll definitelly drop a line to Triscuit and thank for everything, i'm definitely one of those who enjoyed the server...
Third, thatks to you too, Ret for all the effort that i'm sure you put in this site. And sorry i didn't respond to your request to help out with some monney... Although, i was thinking maybe we could still keep the forums, or make a new one on a free server before and nar goes down (bah, just an idea...)
Fourth, i totally agree with you about the thing with the #narshaddaa channell, the same thing used to happen before at Beefcackes's actually, but whatever... that's all in the past now, and buried i guess...
Anyway, thanks to all the ppl in the jk community for the good times i spent here, guys
I'll be seeing you somewhere, hopefully...
Cya! |
_________________ JAS_Hyde
JAS - JK Online Gaming Clan |
Friday January 05, 2007 11:21 PM
Mr. Mandalore
Joined: 27 Jul 2005
Posts: 97
Location: Mandalore
i agree. i thought in time the 14 year old antics of seem of these people would have changed... apparently not. |
_________________ JKLE_Vallo |
Saturday January 06, 2007 1:32 AM
The Man from Nar Shaddaa
Joined: 30 Jun 2005
Posts: 343
Location: The Temple of Reborn Jedi
This is very sad... are you sure there isn't a cheaper way to run the website? I'm not very knowledgeable with these things, to be honest. Free webspace has a lot of disadvantages. I guess it's okay if you just want to share information, but bad if you want to have a lot of things for download.
I absolutely enjoyed playing on the JK server, I hate to see it go. I'd never thought the website would go down too... what can I say. It's sad to see it go after all the effort you guys put into this.
Thanks for everything you've done for us JK loving peeps ReT, I really appreciate all the work you put into this site. I guess I'll see you around in #jkhub or something. I'll drop Triscuit a line to say thanks. Maybe something else will eventually come out of all of this, like JKHub, who knows?
I, for one, won't stop playing JK. :)
May the Force be with you all. |
_________________ Order of Reborn Jedi / An active lightside SBX 3.1 Clan / My level: ORJ Temple Tournament I |
Saturday January 06, 2007 1:40 AM
Joined: 05 Sep 2005
Posts: 50
I still can't believe it lasted 10 years but what a fun 10 years it was. With the maturity of some and the immaturity of others. Yes, good times |
_________________ 0h sh1t h3r3 c0m35 P4CKM4N
Play Stick Arena
Its free and doesn't require a download, so play it and its a kick ass game |
Saturday January 06, 2007 1:46 AM
Mr. Mandalore
Joined: 27 Jul 2005
Posts: 97
Location: Mandalore
I have an old box I could make a web server if you'd be willing to set it up on there. I have unlimited bandwidth thanks to the school I go to... :) Let me know if you want to give it a shot ReT... |
_________________ JKLE_Vallo |
Saturday January 06, 2007 4:20 PM
Junior Member
Joined: 21 Dec 2005
Posts: 89
So what happens now with the forums?I rarely used anything on this site except the forums.And I would guess that probably about 90% of the people left in JK only used the forums also... |
Saturday January 06, 2007 4:55 PM
Joined: 03 Dec 2005
Posts: 6
The constant trash talk was one aspect of the JK (especially JKMP) community that always bothered me. I kinda accepted it as "the way things are." Really, I just was glad to have a place to play.
Having a dedicated server is pretty ideal but I'm sure that, even with just a forum, the JKMP community could still function. We could set up IP games, schedule times to meet up, etc. I'm not very knowledgeable about these things (obviously) but it's just a thought.
I've no plans to stop playing JK, either. Keep me in the loop! My AIM sn is TheJumpyDroid (yes, I'm that guy in addition to Dark JK Server). |
Saturday January 06, 2007 5:52 PM
Joined: 22 Mar 2006
Posts: 46
Location: Argentina
Yeah, i'm gonna keep playing JK too, of course...
I think we could at least save the forums by moving them to a free server and advertise about it so everyone starts going to the new one to keep the community alive, with it's good things and it's bad things that irremediably will keep going on, but in the end it gives some colour to the community and some people seems to like it...
I don't know much about this either, but in any case i offer myself for anything i might be usefull for. |
_________________ JAS_Hyde
JAS - JK Online Gaming Clan |
Saturday January 06, 2007 10:07 PM
Joined: 22 Jun 2005
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Location: Rhode Island
vallo wrote: | I have an old box I could make a web server if you'd be willing to set it up on there. I have unlimited bandwidth thanks to the school I go to... :) Let me know if you want to give it a shot ReT... |
If we host the site we can host the forums too also i know someone who is interested in running a JKDS we will try our best to keep this alive |
I should have aimed for your head when I had the chance... |
Sunday January 07, 2007 8:07 AM
Junior Member
Joined: 27 May 2006
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Location: Georgia
No Ret. Finding this site almost a year ago is what brought me back to playing JK again with my friends...especially Bcubed(aka: TWC_Bcubed, WaR_MavSG, AtomicMavSG)
How much do you need???
DarkJester |
_________________ TWC, WaR, LOTD, Atomic, Margarita.....these were the clans I was in....and *muffle* IRN *muffle* *cough!*
Sunday January 07, 2007 8:15 AM
Junior Member
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Location: Georgia
oooo......what's gonna happen to |
_________________ TWC, WaR, LOTD, Atomic, Margarita.....these were the clans I was in....and *muffle* IRN *muffle* *cough!*
Sunday January 07, 2007 2:20 PM
The Man from Nar Shaddaa
Joined: 30 Jun 2005
Posts: 343
Location: The Temple of Reborn Jedi
Sunday January 07, 2007 2:34 PM
forgot to take his meds
Joined: 17 Feb 2005
Posts: 869
TWC_DarkJester wrote: | How much do you need??? |
The cost for the first year was manageable, somewhere between $120 and $130 for Febuary 2005-2006, but in Febuary of 2006 for the past year of hosting the cost involved was somewhere around $450(I have the exact amount on an invoice somewhere). That cost is to pay for a couple things:
1) The webspace, the bulk of the price
2) The 3 domains,,, and (Not more than $15 I don't think)
If I was able to raise $200 that would prove to me the JK community is capable of raising money for a community effort and would perhaps renew my desire to continue to attempt to revive the community. This cost should fall on no one person, unless they have a really strong desire to contribute.
Some good news, Godaddy has LOWERED their rates somewhat. IT would be about $350 to get the same setup we've had the past year, which was more than nessecary but the minimum setup I could have gotten from However - something that recently caught my attention is the fact that I could get a Windows server as opposed to a Linux server. This means that the server would host not only the website, but would potentially be able to run as a game server! We could run JK on it, JO, JA, anything, I would be able to control it as if it was a computer in my room, through remote desktop. (That also means all you would have to do is put "" in the TCP/IP JK IP box!!!) The cost for a windows server along with the domains would come to about $450 which is what I paid last year for an equivilent server loaded with only linux.
- ReT |
_________________ ruthless deeds return to harass their architect |