Jedi Apprentice Michelangelo Reklaw
I made this for the "Customs of
Us" CC at FFURG. I just figured I should put it here as well.
This version is of Jedi Michelangelo Reklaw as he trained at the training
Jedi Academy on Yavin IV.
Naboo Obi-wan Kenobi [whole]
Well, we saw Reklaw as a Jedi Knight, so we may as well see him as a Jedi
Trainee the Yavin IV Jedi Academy. I just cut off the Padawan
braid, but I left the ponytail, because the character had one. I
painted him all black, then made the inner tunic, tabards, and sash as
medium gray color. I cut the little ball off the end of the belt
saber, and added some black to the top, just to make the saber look
unique. I think the figure looks pretty good.