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Kam Solusar

I know, I know.  Kam Solusar was shown in Dark Empire II.  He had on some weird vest things, a white shirt, and a blue lightsaber.  That is all well and good, but if my memory serves me, they also drew Luke's saber as blue when it is, as we all know, green.  I figure an agent of Palpatine would have a red saber before he had a blue one.  Plus, were not in Dark Empire II anymore, he is training to become a Jedi once again, so I am sure he changed clothes.  This figure is of Kam in the Jedi Academy Saga.

Han Solo [head]; Dagobah Luke Skywalker [torso arms legs]; Vest, Vader Saber.

I switched the heads out to begin with.  Then, I painted his hair and eyebrows white.  I painted his shirt red, then painted his pants and vest black.  I left the boots brown, so he didn't look completely dark-side.  I added some gold details to Vader's saber, and painted the blade a darker color of red, just cause that one looked pink before I painted it.