Dark Jedi Ezekiel Bartose
I decided to do this one because he was
the main character in my most innovative FanFic to date. He
graduated from Jedi Temple, then removed himself from his master...also
removing his master's head from his shoulders. The story is called Darksider,
and I am personally very proud of it.
JP3 Guy [head]; "He-Man" ANH Luke [all but head]; Ponda Boba
[vest]; any saber.
I got this head as a cast, so i had to paint it from nothing. I
painted on flesh,. brown hair, green eyes, and a brown goatee. I
painted the tunic off-white, and gave him a dark brown belt. I put
on the vest and painted it, and the arms of the tunic charcoal gray,
making it a jacket. Nest, I just made the pants black, and painted the
boots a medium brown.
The saber is just painted a glossy dark
blue and added details to the hilt.