| THE ABILITIES OF A JEDI APPRENTICE Force Speed- Feel the Force flowing through you, quickening your limbs so they move with the speed of thought. Force Jump- All distances become small in the vastness of the Force. Force Pull- Your reach is far with the Force as your ally, and weapons may be whisked away from under your enemies' feet or even torn from their unsuspecting grasp. Seeing- Stretch out with your feelings. Let go, and the presence of your enemies will be revealed to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LIGHT SIDE ABILITIES Healing- One alive with the force can mend bone and flesh as though it were reborn anew. Persuasion- The Force has a strong influence on the weak minded, rendering your actions inscrutable to all but the strongest of wills. Blinding- The terrifying light of truth may blind the dark eyes of the sleeping. Absorb- Use your opponent's energy to your own advantage; waste nothing! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DARK SIDE ABILITIES Force Throw- Crush and humiliate your opponent by striking from all directions with flying debris. The Grip- The disturbing lack of faith in the Force by the ignorant is easily renewed. . Thunder Bolts- No Jedi will underestimate the power of the dark side once it's living spark surges through their very bones. Destruction- Your hate will make you strong, it's deadly vehemence lashing forth to cut your enemies to their knees! | 
