
Name: Miyamoto Musashi

Homeworld: Corusucant

Force Preference: Lightside


ICQ#: 8553857

Fighting Style: Prefers open area combat.

Favorite Quote: Can you bear to my fatal attack ..(direct Japanese translation)

Founded GoZ: February 14nd, 1998

Born and raised on Coruscant, the Heart of the Empire, Musashi was one of the original founders of GoZ. As with the other founders, Musashi was an Imperial through and through. Betrayed by what the Empire has done, now he is one of their most feared enemies. A Master of the Saber, Musashi prefers to employ his fencing skills without the aid of force powers. Slow to anger, quick to kill, he brings a certain mystery to the Clan, keeping his past life private and locked away. Musashi has currently returned from his studies to serve in the Inner Circle of Zsinj.

War Record

A fun and extremely competitive battle on 2/28/99.