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Guardians Of Justice:
Jedi Knight Sabers Clan

Clan News

Jedi Knight and Coucil positions available soon. We hope that you will take on promising paduons to aid the clans development.

Please E-mail
Zero if there is a you have any advice regarding this page or the clan.

A sabre system is being adopted, give your thoughts.
Blue: Jedi Apprentice or Paduon (Light Side)
Green: Jedi Knight (Light Side)
Red: Jedi Knight and Apprentice (Dark Side)

This decision will be made soon ssend your vote to

WE WANT A CLAN WAR: Please, If a clan is giving you the
shts, take down their clan name and we'll see what we can do.

Right now our leader Narious is on vacation so until he comes back send all the questions to Zero....