[Picture Here] Zone Name:     PuN_END

E-Mail:        pun@wlp.org   

Games Played:     JK, Age of Empires 1, 2, Runescape, Tribes 2, Diablo 2, Rogue Spear

Time playing JK:     1.5 Years

Force Level:     NF

Favorite Levels:     Caesars Drazen Purgatory Jhs Bgj Baron Hed

Skins:     Blue

Weapons:     Saber Destructo-Bryar

Quote:     *before nem caught hacking* anonymous: "nem wins because he turns off his 3d accelerator" nem: "I don't even have a 3d accelerator, idiot." anonymous: "my point exactly"

Past clans:     WLP, Prince, DoG, PrD, SeK, NKM, END