Clash of the clans
Clash of the Clans, is basically a tournament hosted on the Zone where all the clans and armies in the Force Commander community battle it out for the number 1 spot. Clash Of The Clans is the largest tournament held on the Zone for Force Commander with hundreds of players taking part.
Battlestats, or BSC, organize the event which takes place every month and holds the scores and information on it's database. To fight in Clash of the Clans you must first open a Battlestats account, it's free and you only have to do it once. See the training center for detailed instructions on how to sign up at BSC. Here are some basic pointers about Clash of the Clans.
> All games have a password - the password is simply
> You must not fight against a fellow EIA member, it is against the Battlestats rules.
> All games are usually called COC so they can be easily recognized.
> All COC games are hosted in games 40 and above. Not in games 1 or 2 for example.
> At the end of each game, all the players must decide who reports the game to Battlestats.