Clan Battle: Battle Ground Jedi
Clans played: DeltA & WD
DeltA Members: AlcHeMiST & GOLDSLDR
WD Members:Luke18 & Draco
Score: 13-2
AlcH- Bah if WD_Luke18 is not the laggiest man on the zone, then shoot me now! I had to litterally just jump everywhere and swing to get a hit, it came out sorta even with them losing by 2 always. Then we switched up and tef did his magic, we were up 13-2 going to 15, but draco lagged out and we were forced to leave since a newbie guy kept bugging us, WD is a great clan to battle with. Big reason is they dont whine hehe =).

Clan Battle: Battle Ground Jedi
Clans played: DeltA & HDK
DeltA Members: GOLDSLDR_DeltA
WD Members: HDK_Logicbomb
Score: 10-4
GOLD- HDK guy was a great match..he played well i look forward to playing him again.

Clan Battle: Battle Ground Jedi
Clans played: DeltA & JKC-WO (alliance-team)
DeltA Members: AlcHeMiST & GOLDSLDR
Opponents:JKC_SASQUATCH, WO_Codeman (Allianced-team)
Score: 10-2
AlcH- It was a really quick match, we were supposed to do duels but they just broke out ffa before even saying go, it was hularious, i was eating chinese food when i got killed twice, but it was fun none the less, hehe. The host left casue of connection probs, so we declaired it a win.

Clan Battle: Battle Ground Jedi
Clans played: DeltA & PJE
DeltA Members: AlcHeMiST & GOLDSLDR
Opponents:PJE_Master, PJE_Baller
Score: 10-3
AlcH- Bah, one word.......cheesfest.