Jedi Knight Weapons
Kyle Katarn is awesome and skilled with the Force, but even he would get his butt kicked if he went against the entire army of baddies with no weapons. Here you can check out the 10 weapons you can get, who uses them and what they do. This page takes 72 seconds to load, but please be patient and read some of the info while waiting.
Fists - Of course, you have these right from the start. The Fists are the
worst weapons out of all of them, only really meant to be used if you are out of weapons
and/or ammo. The only other bad guy who uses his fists only are a few Grans, and they hit
harder than you!
Blaster Pistol - The Blaster Pistol, with the
acceptation of the Fists, is the wimpiest weapon. Kyle starts out with this one. Bad guys
who use this weapon are Rodains and Imperial Officers. The Blaster Pistol is about as good
as the Blaster Rifle, but it is not rapid-fire and the shot is not as good.
Blaster Rifle - The Blaster Rifle is pretty much the
default weapon of Jedi Knight. Kyle first gets it from a Gran he kills. It is rapid-fire
and shoots more dangerous blasts than the Blaster Pistol, making it superior. They were
meant for only Imperials, but most get stolen and used by Rebels and Bounty Hunters.
Enemies that use this weapon are Imperial Commandos, Stormtroopers, and Grans.
Thermal Detonators - These guys are as nasty and
deadly as the name makes them sound. They are little bombs that explode when it touches
the wall, ground, enemy or yourself. They can be tossed without hurting yourself in the
process. Kyle gets them from certain Grans, which are the only enemies who use them.
Bowcaster - I was not aware that they had a Bowcaster than a human could
carry. I've always like this weapon, which is the weapon that Chewbacca uses, but the
Wookie Bowcaster is for Wookies only, can't be used by humans (or so I've heard), but this
one is made for humans. Kyle gets it from Grave Tuskens, the only enemies who use this
Imperial Repeater Rifle - The Imperial Repeater
Blaster is used by Field Troopers. Kyle can pry it from their cold dead fingers and use
it. It fires a very rapid-fire stream of yellow balls of energy. It takes several shots to
kill an enemy with it, but you can fire so many shots so fast, you hardly even tell.
Rail Detonator - The Rail Detonator fires missiles at
the enemy. It fires on impact as soon as you shoot a bad guy. Don't shoot too close,
though. You could easily do the same amount of damage on yourself. The Rail Detonator is
used by Imperial Field Troopers, and be careful of them. They are good shots and the
Detonator is a very dangerous weapon in the enemy hands. It is also very useful in your
Sequencer Charge - Sequencer Charges are not used by
any bad guys, although there are some lying around that will destroy you if you hit them.
DO NOT mix up the charges that kill you with the ones you pick up. You can use the charges
and then run away as it will explode immediately. This weapon explodes killing the enemy
and possibly hurting you if you don't get out of the blast's way. This device is very
useful in a place with lots of charging bad guys.
Concussion Rifle - The Concussion Rifle is the
deadliest energy weapon of them all and one of my personal favorites. The only enemy that
uses one is the Trandoshan, and he uses it very well, so be careful. The Trandoshan is
also where you get the gun. It fires compressed bullets of ionized air that explode on
impact. They can be shot at an enemy who is right next to you and not damage you, so use
it well, but be careful because ammo for it is hard to find.
- The Lightsaber. The most important weapon. The most powerful weapon. The greatest weapon
in the game. The Lightsaber is the true weapon of the Jedi Knight. It uses no ammo or
energy units, although you can use Light Surges to make it more powerful. The Lightsaber
must be used up-close, much like a sword, but it can also ricochet off energy unit shots
and can block another Lightsaber. The game is impossible to beat without the Lightsaber
since you can't defeat the 7 Dark Jedis without it. Rahn gave his lightsaber to Morgan
Katarn, trusting it to get to Kyle. Morgan hid it in WeeGee's compartment. When Kyle came
to his old home, he found WeeGee and got it. It was like instinct. He automatically knew
how to expertly use it. It is a great Green color like the one Luke Skywalker constructed,
seen in Return of the Jedi. If you play for the Light Side, Boc smashes it with a rock and
you can take Yun's Lightsaber when Yun is struck down by Sariss when he defends your right
for a battle to the death. Yun's is red, like Darth Vader's. The only enemies that use
Lightsabers are the 7 Dark Jedis. Jerec, Sariss, Yun, Maw, Gorc and Pic all use one. Boc
uses two expertly, and only a few Jedis are known to use two. The Lightsaber, unlike all
the other weapons, cannot be taken from a Jedis hand using the Force.
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