The C-3P0 Supersite Award
I love winning awards for my websites, and I know all you fellow webmasters out there do too. Admit it! And why not? We work long and hard on these sites. So we deserve some recognition. And here is where your site can get some recognition. You can win the C-3P0 Supersite Award for your very own website!
The award looks just like the image above, except it doesn't have that annoying "sample" going across it. I hope it doesn't look to corny or stupid, but an artist I ain't. Maybe sometime soon, I'll make it look cooler. If you want to win this lovely award, just read below for the rules to win it.
1) Your site doesn't have to be a Star Wars site. It could be pretty much
anything, but
Star Trek sites aren't
eligable unless they are Star Wars vs Star Trek sites. (And Star Wars
has to beat Star Trek!)
2) Your site shouldn't have any pronography or any adult stuff like that and a minimum of
swearing a little
swearing is OK, but if 90% of the page is curse words, that's a little out of hand.
3) You have to sign my guestbook! I mean com'on, how else can I get people to sign it. Go
to my main
Jedi Knight site and sign it right now if you haven't already!
If your site meets to these requirements, you can win my award! Just E-Mail me at my E-Mail only for award requests and tell me you want to win the 3-CP0 Supersite Award. Tell me your name, E-Mail, site URL, site title, and that you've signed the guestbook and you're all set! Then, if you win, I'll give you the HTML command for the award.
Here are some of the winners of C-3P0's Supersite Award:
Rebel Station | |
Jason's Jedi Knight Dark Forces II Page | |
The Imperial Sovereign Protectorate HQ | |
Tim's Fantasy/RPG Castle |
Click the Stormtrooper to go back to the Colin's Jedi Knight Page.
Comments? Suggestions? Bounties? Death threats? Elvis sightings? Want to be on the update list? Feel free to E-mail me and let me know. Be sure to mention that you want to be notified for the Jedi Knight page because I do make other websites.
Star Wars and all Star Wars
characters and ships and stuff are copyright of Lucasfilm. Jedi Knight and all Jedi Knight
characters, ships and stuff are copyright of Lucasarts. This page belongs to Colin McEvoy.
All images are copyrighted and/or trademarked by their respective owners. In most cases
this is Lucasfilm Ltd. or Lucasarts. They are being used for personal purposes.