Congratulations On Your Purchase
What? Oh, it's you. I was very
depressed and you interuppted me. Now I have to be depressed all over again. Thanks a
whole lot. Now, what was it you wanted? Oh yes. I am FB-001, a genius robot who can
calculate the meaning of life and has a IQ of several thousand and I am forced to work as
a worker who delivers robots. How depressing. Oh well. Your robot and/or item will be sent
to your home in approximately 2 to 3 thousand years. Until then, you may want to read the
instructions. The money necissary will be taken from your bank account every day for the
rest of your life. Have a nice 2 to 3 thousand years.
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Space Quest, Roger Wilco, Keronia, Ulence Flats, The Keronian Bar and all the Space Quest Stuff is copyright of Sierra On-Line. But this page belongs to Colin McEvoy.