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BanJo's Taunt Files

(under reconstruction)

The Purpose:

This page is dedicated to enhancing the gameplay of our favorite mulitplayer game, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, and more specifically, the Mysteries of the Sith (MOTS) add-on pack.

The Problem:

The only complaint we ever had of these games was that you could not verbally abuse your opponents while playing them.  LucasArts addressed this problem in the ReadMe file that came with the MOTS software, which explains how to use wav files to accomplish this abuse (MOTS only, I'm afraid).  The only problem with that is all the players have to have the same files to make it work. So, we shared a lot of files and had a great time. But whenever we played others, it was just too quiet.

The Solution:

Share the files, of course!  While it all boils down to personal preference, we feel we have found some classics:

Monty Python - "Runaway!", "It's only a flesh wound."

Caddyshack - "I guess the kidding around is pretty much over", "The man's a menace!"

Classic Star Trek - "He's dead, Jim", Fight Music

Robert DeNiro - "You talking to me?", "Come out, come out, wherever you are"

There are many more from the above and others, including Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Peter Sellers, Blazing Saddles, Star Trek (TNG) and of course, Star Wars.

Why not just get these files myself?

You could, but they only work if everyone is using the exact same filenames. This gives us the common ground we need to let everyone enjoy it.

How do I get these files and where do I put them?

Go to my test page and download one or more of the following files and put it into your MotS\Resource\sound directory. You may have to create the "\sound" part if you haven't already. The MOTS ReadMe file tells you how to use the sound files, or if you can find the Sith Taunt Manager, you can use it.

Comments or questions?  E-mail to

That's it. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Look forward to "hearing" from you on-line!

of you have taunted a friend with the BanJo Taunt Files!